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In God's Image

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…….

This is another very important verse from the standpoint that God refers to himself in the plural, and humanity is created in God’s likeness. Some will say if we are created in God’s image then why don’t we all look alike? God is not talking about the physical appearance of a person. It is obvious that there are different sexes, sizes, shapes and even colors throughout the world. What God is referring to is what makes up a person’s nature. I believe we see this in Gal 5:22,23 where it says that in a person there will be seen the fruit of the Spirit of God. This is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Even the very worst of people have these in some measure. It is up to everyone to try and grow in greater levels of each. While everyone can do this to some extent, it takes a person becoming a Christian and being filled with the Holy Spirit to help us become all God intended us to be. We are to do this with ever increasing glory until at last when we go to be with Jesus he will bring us into full perfection and at last we will be like him (I Cor 15:35-58).

The next thing people will say that it is impossible for the singular to also be plural at the same time. To that I simply point to the United States government. While we have one government, it is made up of three branches. These are equal but separate and are the executive, legislative and the judicial branches. For me it is not that hard to accept the Trinity Godhead in it being the Heavenly Father, Jesus his Son and the Holy Spirit. We see them as all separate and present at Jesus’ baptism. (Matt 3:16,17)

Prayer: Lord please help us to accept what I can understand and be prayerful and patient in what I do not.

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