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Psalms 122:6,7 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”

The beginnings of Jerusalem came from the city of Salem. We first see it mentioned in Genesis 14:18 with Abraham going there to meet with Melchizedek. Melchizedek was said to be king and priest of God Most High at Salem. Salem means peaceful. We see later that the Jebusites settled there, and the name was Urusalimum meaning foundation of Shalem or Salem was used. When the Benjaminites settled there they called it Jer -usalem or Jerusalem. Then when King David conquered it he renamed it to City of David. David was a man of war and violence. Much of his battles were for plunder. This is one reason why the Bible says that David could not build the temple for the Lord. So Salem the city of peace has become a city of plunder and war. It is ironic that Jerusalem will continue to be a city of violence and war until Jesus returns. Not only will the nations of the world try to attack it again, but there will be a great earthquake that will destroy 1/10 of the city leaving 7,000 dead.

Many Christian preachers on TV Sunday after Sunday pray for the peace of Jerusalem. But sadly to day they are only praying for effects and not the cause. Israel means struggles with God. The Jews have it seems always struggled with God. Even after God brought them out of their bondage in Egypt they quickly turned to idol worship. And from that time on they continued to disobey God by worshiping idols of all kinds. Today Jews from all over the world are still living in disobedience with God. They are living up to their name of struggling with God. They continue to reject their Messiah Jesus Christ. God promised Abraham that one of his descendants would bless the earth. God did this by sending his only begotten Son to earth to atone for the sins of the world. Not only did they reject Jesus then by nailing him to a cross, but they even cried out let his blood be upon us and our children. They still carry the curse that they put on themselves in heaven and on earth.

Jews are living in the worse case of rebellion and sin that a person could do. They have sinned the unforgivable sin. They have rejected the call of the Holy Spirit on their heart to repent of their rebellion and sin against God in their rejection of Jesus. They have condemned themselves to God’s judgment. Jerusalem, the Jews nor anyone else will have peace in their life until they become a Christian and lover of Jesus. To pray that the Jews will have peace is to pray against what God is trying to do in their lives, and that is to get them to become Christians. As long as they or anyone else rejects Jesus they will only live in the City of David. This is a city or life of violence, fear, sorrow and war.

Are you in the City of David? Do you constantly have fear, violence, discord wagging in your life? Well, you will never know peace until you ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart. You will never know peace fighting God.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help people all over the earth to become lovers of Jesus. Please help Jesus to have a beautiful bride and a glorious kingdom. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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