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Psalms 118:10-12 All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I cut them off. They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the Lord I cut them off. They swarmed round me like bees, but they died out as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the Lord I cut them off.

Revelation 16:14 tells us that the nations of the earth will come against Israel. While there are many they will not succeed, because Jesus will come back and destroy their enemies. You see just before the return of Jesus the Jews will receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each tribe will become Christians and evangelists for Jesus. The hearts of the rebellious Jews will turn to Jesus.

Israel means to struggle with God. God gave Jacob the father of the 12 tribes of Israel this name because of the way he struggled with God’s will. That same attitude of rebellion against God’s will by the Jews all over the world still continues. God promised Abraham that through him would come one that would bless the earth. Jesus fulfilled the many prophecies concerning this Messiah, yet to this day the Jews are still struggling with God’s will. They still reject Jesus as God’s Messiah. Because of this they are being punished by God in hopes that they will humble themselves and want God’s will by receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Unfortunately it will take the threat of their complete destruction to cause them to turn to Jesus in the last days. But when they do, Jesus will return and defend them.

In some ways it will be much like with Elisha and the Assyrian army that surrounded him and his servant. There was no logical hope of being saved in the mind of Elisha’s servant, but Elisha knew better. He could see into the spiritual realm, and see the Lord’s army just waiting to bring the victory. God did bring the victory too. God blinded every Assyrian just as he did those in Sodom. It wasn’t until the Assyrian army was captured and helpless that Elisha prayed to the Lord to open their eyes that they could see once again.

At the very end of the seven years of tribulation the eyes of the Jews and the rest of the world will have their eyes opened and see that Jesus really is God. At that time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings.

Are you like Israel? Are you still struggling with God’s will for your life? Have you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart? If not, then there will be two options for you. You either will surrender or be conquered. The conquered will experience an exile to spend eternity in hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. To surrender means forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Like in Elisha’s day, God has an army waiting. Prepare for the day of the Lord it is close at hand.

Prayer: Lord, we know that Jesus’ return is coming soon. So many people are not prepared for that day. Please move on people all over the world, so they will receive you as their Lord and Savior. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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