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Psalms 116:6 The Lord protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need, he saved me.

Have you ever wondered about the salvation of the simple hearted or minded? What if someone can not speak to make a confession that Jesus is their Lord and Savior? What if a person can not hear the good news about Jesus? What happens to a baby or a child that dies? What if a person sincerely thinks that their religion is correct, and has either never heard about Jesus or heard only lies about him? Do all these people go to hell as some might think?

John 3:16,17 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world , but to save the world through him.” God is not looking for ways to exclude people from heaven, but to include them. This is why after his death and resurrection, Jesus went to the abode of the dead to tell them about his victory over sin and death, so that while they died a physical death they could live a spiritual life for all eternity in heaven. God wants everyone to be able to be with him for all eternity. God does not show favoritism. He loves us all and wants everyone to come to salvation and reconciliation through Jesus. I believe for those that for one reason or another either can’t understand or never heard about Jesus’ salvation, he will explain it to them at the Great White Throne Judgment. At that time everyone will have a chance to find forgiveness of their sins. Baby’s or the mentally handicapped will have perfect understanding at that time and can choose for themselves.

You might be thinking that if this is the case why wouldn’t everyone want to find forgiveness through Jesus and go to heaven? The answer is when we die we don’t change the attitude of our heart. People that don’t want to go to church now and hate songs that glorify Jesus still will not want to do it in heaven. Hell as strange as it sounds will be more comfortable to them. Hell will have only torment, but so would heaven for them. We go to heaven not to avoid hell, but because we want to be with Jesus. Often Christians (pastors & mature Christians) seem to make becoming a Christian harder than what is really necessary. They sit the person down and grill them as if they are looking for some secret area of disqualifying them. They have the person say long prayers that seems to include everything. There are no magical words or scriptures to be recited or even something done like baptism. It is simply a matter of having faith in the grace of Jesus’ atonement. It is all about what Jesus has done for us and not what we can do for him.

Have you lost a loved one, and wondered if they are in heaven? Don’t worry! Jesus wants them there even more than you do. Jesus will be completely fair, and if your loved one hasn’t heard about Jesus’ salvation and wants to become a Christian then they can be and will be there just waiting for all of us to be there too. Take heart in knowing that Jesus is a good God and Savior. He wants you and your loved ones to be able to be with him for all eternity.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you want everyone to be with you in heaven. Thank you that you were willing to do for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. We love you Jesus.

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