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Trusting to Provide

Genesis 22:8a Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

II Sam 14:14 But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways that a banished person may not remain estranged from him.

As we read and study the Old and New Testaments of the Bible we see a theme or as some call it a crimson thread going through it that points to Jesus and his sacrifice for the sins of all humanity on Calvary’s cross. It begins with God telling the snake (in reality is was Satan in the snake that deceived Adam and Eve) that because of what he did there would be enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

I know that because of this people tend to be afraid of snakes and hate them, and snakes fear people and will try to flee from them. People will try to kill them by crushing its head and in turn the snake will try to strike at the closest part of the person. But when we remember that Satan was in the snake and partly responsible for the fall of humanity into sin, I also think that God is also speaking to Satan and the fallen angels that follow him. I believe that God is telling Satan that because of what he did there will be an offspring or seed (Jesus) that will crush his head (defeat Satan), but Satan in turn will attack that person (Jesus). This epic battle would end at Calvary’s cross, when after Satan thought he had orchestrated the death and defeat of Jesus, found himself defeated through the obedience of Jesus to the Heavenly Father and his shed blood for humanity’s reconciliation with God.

From Adam to the cross the crimson thread is woven through people and events. For me none is more evident than that today’s verse and passage of God asking Abraham to offer his son Isaac up as a sacrifice to him. The parallel seems to be very evident to say the least. It starts out by Abraham taking his only son Isaac, (Ishmael had been sent away Gen 21:8-20) to Moriah and sacrifice him there. Moriah is the mountain where Jerusalem is and where Jesus was crucified. As we see in John 3:16, God sent his only Son to that same mountain where Jerusalem is to become a sacrifice. As Abraham began the journey on the first day, he saw his son as good as dead, because he went with the intention to sacrifice him. Then on the third day God spared him, now giving Isaac life so to speak. They took Jesus’ life on the first day and on the third day he rose to give eternal life to all who would trust in the grace given through his atonement. Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice on his back and willingly was going to give up his life. Jesus took the cross upon his back, and did give up his life. Now this is where the parallel changes,because God spared Abraham’s son, but did not his own!

Because we owed a price for our sins, but couldn’t pay it , God paid that price for us through his Son Jesus Christ even though he didn’t owe it. God made a way as he says in II Samuel 14:14 so we wouldn’t have to be banished or estranged from him for all eternity. It comes as a gift through the mercy and grace provided for through Jesus. But because it is a gift it must be received to be active in a person’s life. Free will demands that it be received willingly. Although it is provided for everyone, many chose not to receive it and become a Christian. The question today is have you received God’s gift of forgiveness and reconciliation, or chosen for yourself a life of rebellion against God and eternity in hell? I pray that you choose Jesus! This is certainly God’s desire too, or he would never have sent Jesus to die for you.

In conclusion of today’s devotional I have one more important thing to bring up, and it is that God will never ask of you anything that he is not willing to do himself. You never have to doubt God’s intentions for your life as Satan will try to convince you of! God always has your best interest in mind now and forever.

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for your obedience to the Heavenly Father to go to the cross to make a way for us to be forgiven and reconciled to you. You are our way, truth and life. We love you Jesus!



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