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Numbers 17:8 The next day Moses entered the Tent of the Testimony and saw that Aaron’s staff, which represented the house of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds.

The story behind this was that earlier some Levites by the names of Korah, Dathan and Abiram along with 250 leaders of Israel came against Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership. They were upset that they could not go into the Promised Land, and would have to go back into the desert even though no one but Caleb and Joshua wanted to go in at first. Once again it was coming down to obedience. First they wouldn’t go into the Promised Land when God wanted them to. Next they went into the land when God didn’t want them to, and now they didn’t want to go back to the wilderness as God wanted them to do. This was the very reason that God didn’t take them to the Promised Land directly from Egypt. The Hebrews were rebellious toward the Lord, and he wanted to teach them that they could trust him. All they had to do was to obey him, he would bless them.

Sad to say like the meaning of their name Israel (struggles with God), they continued to reject God’s will time and again just as they still do today. They do this as they reject their only means of reconciliation with God through Jesus. They are certainly not the only ones doing though. While there are millions of Christians all over the world, there are many more that do not love or put their trust in Jesus to forgive their sins and give them eternal life in heaven. I find it interesting that God would use a old dried up certainly dead piece of wood to bring home a point about his anointed. When he was done there would be no doubt as to who was to lead and who was to follow. Moses and Aaron would once again have God’s sign of approval on them.

The staff had many uses. It certainly was used terrain that was difficult or dangerous to walk in. It provided stability as well as support. It was used to investigate. If there was brush with the possibility of snakes and the like it could be used to separate the bush to see any dangers that might be ahead. It could be used for protection. The person that knew how to use his staff could use it not only defensively but even offensively for a weapon if under attack. Lastly it was also a sign of identification. Each person made their staff unique for themselves. We see this with Judah in Gen 38. In many ways I see Jesus as our staff. Only in Jesus will we have stability and support. He is always with us he says that he will never leave or forsake us not even to the end of the world. (Matt 28:20) He certainly gives us discernment. He is all knowing and desires to help us to prosper and be blessed. He is Almighty God and everything is put under his feet. (Heb 2:8) He is more than able to provide our protection from all that may come against us. And, Jesus is also our identification. When we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our heart everything begins to change for us and in us. One of the most wonderful things is that we daily become more and more like him in our nature. The fruit of the Holy Spirit that we are all created with that makes us in the image of God, becomes more intensified with each day of our life. We begin to take on the likeness of our staff.

Only Jesus can take what was once dead and bring life. Only Jesus can bring us to eternal life where our sin brought us eternal death, so that kind of brings us to the question regarding what staff do people recognize us with? When others see us walking towards them what is their first thought?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help us to be more Christ-like with each passing day, so that when people see us they will see Jesus and want to be like him too.


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