Numbers 19:17 For the unclean person, put some ashes from the burned purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them.
This is referring to being spiritually unclean. A person could become spiritually unclean by several different ways. This was especially bad for the Levites and the priests that had to do work with or in the tabernacle. These are some of the ways to become spiritually unclean: if a person touched blood, a dead body, touching or eating certain animals, skin infections, mold, a woman with a monthly cycle or childbirth, sexual activity or even touching human or animal waste. So as you can see it was very easy for a person to become spiritually unclean, and unable to come to the tabernacle where the presence of God was. Because it was important for people to be able to go to the tabernacle to serve the Lord or even eat the Passover meal, God need to make provisions for the people so that they would not be excluded from coming into his presence. This is where this practice of taking a red heifer without blemish and that had never been under a yoke to be sacrificed. It would be burned outside the camp, and a man who was clean would collect the ashes. Then they would put the ashes in a jar to be kept outside the camp. When they were needed the ashes would be put in water to be placed on whatever was unclean.
Even in Jesus’ day there was the practice of ritual baths to become spiritually clean. Often there would be several different pools where a person would progressively go from one to another with each pool making the person physically and spiritually cleaner. Just the physical aspect of getting in and out of the water would make the different stages of pools understandable. The Essenes were very passionate about this practice of spiritual cleanness. Even today in some Christian churches there is the practice of placing holy water in the form of the cross on the individual before they enter the church. They also sprinkle water on the people at funerals and the like.
Most often we see in the Christian faith the practice of baptism using water. Jesus even said in his great commission in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This can be done in several ways depending on the denomination or pastor. What is very important is that this is done, because the person has become a Christian and not to become one. As Jesus pointed out that we are to become his disciple and then be baptized.
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward spiritual grace that Jesus has done in the heart and life of the believer. It is not necessary to have done in order to have forgiveness of our sins or Jesus would never have had to die on the cross. All people would have had to do was continue to do as the Jews were already doing and take ritual baths. Jesus points this out using the thief on the cross beside him in that forgiveness of sins and eternal life with Jesus comes by trust in Jesus and not water. Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be with him that very day in paradise, and we certainly know the Romans were not about to take the man down to be baptized. (Lk 23:43). It is the blood of Jesus that brings about our going from spiritually unclean to perfectly clean. And this cleanness is not something that has to continually be redone every time we sin or touch something unclean. Because of our covenant with Jesus we live in a state of forgiveness, holiness and righteousness before God. It is our faith in the grace through Jesus’ atonement that this perpetual reconciliation with God comes about. It is not because we began to live without sin, doing good deeds or anything else but Jesus. Our salvation from hell and for heaven is solely because of Jesus Christ and him alone.
Even though we still sin and fall short the glory of God as Christians, God see’s us in light of his Son. Just as the blood of the sacrificed lamb or goat was sprinkled on the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant, and when God saw the blood his wrath would not come on Israel, now when God sees the blood of Jesus on our heart and life his wrath pass’s over us.
Prayer: Thank you Jesus that our being clean before you is not a matter of water with the ashes of a red heifer or any other kind of water. If that was the case I would be spending all my time under Niagara Falls. Your blood shed for me has purified me of all unrighteousness now and forever! (I John 1:9) Thank you Jesus! We love you!