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Genesis 6:19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.

I can’t imagine what Noah thought when the Lord told him that he was to build such a huge boat that would hold so many animals and their food to eat, but the thing with God is that he will never ask us to do anything that we can’t do or that he will not help us to do. In God’s thinking when he told Noah to build the ark, it was as good as done at that moment. Noah didn’t have to worry about any of the details. God would give them the skill and insight to do what needed to be done.

Most often God will purposely choose people that in themselves are not qualified to do what God wants done, because when it is done everyone will see God’s help in it. Sad to say many times the Lord’s servants will not always give God the credit as he deserves. When this happens usually that ministry will fall astray, because if the Lord is not Lord of all in what is done, he will see to it that he is not Lord at all in it. God’s servants will always keep their free will and it is up to them as with all people including angels to use it to glorify the Lord and not themselves!

When Noah, his family and the animals God brought to Noah went into the ark they entered God’s protection, provision and ultimately life. As long as they stayed in the ark they had life and hope, while all outside the ark experienced the raging storm that brought death. In some ways Jesus is our ark. God made him a body when he left his throne in glory to come to earth to become part of his own creation. God’s ark in Jesus was rejected, despised, beaten and ultimately nailed to a cross to die. While his body experienced death, the ark that contained the Son of God lived on. And for all that would come into covenant trusting in the grace of Jesus’ atonement, they would find life eternal and blessing that those of the earth can not comprehend. It all boils down to coming into the ark of God (Jesus) and staying there. Yes, we do have a free will and can turn from him, but for all who stay in Jesus there is life eternal.

Well, what if we sin after we become a Christian? Well, we could never undo the sins we had committed before coming to Jesus, so what makes you think you could after you became a Christian? When Noah fell down in the ark, he was still in the ark! As a Christian when we fall,and we will, we fall in our ark. We fall in the arms of Jesus! Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect, he does expect us to trust in him. When we put our trust in Jesus the ark of our salvation, he will make sure that he will bring us to be with him when we leave this world. (II Tim 1:12)

God has built us a ark in Jesus, and all we have to do is stay in him. He will do the rest!

Prayer: Thank you heavenly Father for sending Jesus to be our ark of your covenant. Please help us to always trust in Jesus and love him with all our heart.



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