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Understanding or Just Confused

Genesis 11:7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.

Once again we see the basic understanding for the Trinity of the Godhead. Now see as we did in Gen 1:26 & Gen 3:22 that God is referring to himself as us. The first time was when God created humanity in his likeness, the next time came when God brought judgment on Adam and Eve and now this time at Babel it is God bringing judgment once again. When God created man (meaning male and female) in Gen 1:27-28, he told them to fill the earth and subdue it. Then following God’s judgment of death on the people by bringing the flood, he told in Gen 9:1 to fill the earth. Now we see that because of God giving humanity a free will to rebel from him, those in the plain of Shinar decided that they were not going to be scattered over the face of the earth as God had asked. In rebellion they settled in one spot and in a show of defiance to God they built a tower that basically said, “God, we are here to stay no matter what you say!” Because of their free will they could do this, but it didn’t mean that they were not accountable for their actions. And it didn’t mean that God would not punish them for their rebellion. God’s punishment in some ways was very merciful considering he could have killed them all and would have been just in doing it. God is not obligated to his creation. It is just the other way around! We are obligated to God, because he created us and we belong to him no matter what some people say or Satan may make us think.

Sin always comes with consequences! At first the action may appear fun, exciting and even beneficial, but guilt, justice and judgment are following close behind. Granted some may live their life on earth without anyone finding out, or having to pay for what they did. One thing is certain and it is they know in their heart that they sinned and God knows they sinned. We may forget for a season, but on death’s bed it all comes back, unless forgiveness and reconciliation has taken place. I have personally seen people struggle with death until they asked Jesus for forgiveness and become a Christian. After doing this, peace would covered their face and it wasn’t long before they passed on. Many people deny the validity of the Bible, saying that it is only writings of men. Some even deny the accuracy of the historical aspect of the Bible. Well, they are wrong in each account! Even today more and more evidence is coming forth on how historical events and places in the Bible were accurate. It also amazes me how obvious the Bible is inspired by God as we see thousands of years before science affirmed them, things such as the flood, the movement of the tectonic plates moving dividing the earth, that islands in the oceans are the tops of mountains, the different languages throughout the earth and even now science is affirming that humanity has come from one person by their understanding of DNA. They even named this person Eve. Well, all I can say is, “Da!” We can believe and trust the Bible! Even our hearts tells us that while we have a free will to reject God’s will and sin, there will be a day of judgment. The question is how are we going to handle this? We can become hard hearted like Pharaoh, and go on doing our own will sinning and caring less. We can do God’s will and seek forgiveness for our sins, and trust in the grace offered through the atonement of God’s Son Jesus Christ. And then with the help of the Holy Spirit begin to live a life that will glorify and bless God.

Free will is what separates the two. To make no decision is to make a decision to continue to live in defiance to God. What decision have you made? Where do you want to spend eternity? II Cor 6:2 reminds us that today is the day of salvation. We are not guaranteed another breath! When we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our heart, he does immediately! Our past, present and even future sins are under the precious blood of Jesus Christ. When the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit look upon us they see Jesus’ blood as the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant. No one can take away our salvation, not even Satan, the powers of darkness or the evil of this world. Only we can turn our back on Jesus and his forgiveness, and why would we want to do that? There is no greater joy, peace and hope than in Jesus!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that through your mercy and grace of your passion on the cross we don’t have to live or die in our sin. You are so wonderful to us! Amen


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