Deuteronomy 10:16 Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer.
We see the covenant of circumcision beginning in Genesis 17:1-27. It was to be an everlasting covenant between God, Abraham and his descendants after him for generations to come. With this covenant God promised to be his God and the God of his descendants after him. It would also be one of provision for a homeland being the whole land of Canaan. To be a sign of this covenant between God and Abraham, Abraham and all of his descendants would need to circumcise the foreskin of their penus. If it was not done, that person would have to be cut off from his people. Not to do it was a sign of breaking off of the covenant with God. Later we would see that in Joshua 5:5 where all the men that came out had been circumcised, but all the men born in the desert during the journey from Egypt had not. Possibly part of the reason for this was the Hebrews were constantly rebelling from God, even so much as they wanted to go back to Egypt and become slaves again. (Ex 16:3 & Num 14:2) This is probably why in verse 16 God calls them stiff necked!
Today circumcision is still practiced throughout the world. It is one of the most common surgical procedures. It has practical benefits as well as a spiritual covenant. It helps reduce risks of infections and even cervical cancer for women. But just because a male is circumcised doesn’t automatically bring the same benefits spiritually as it may physically. In fact if male circumcision that is done for spiritual reasons isn’t one of the heart, then that circumcision is really only a spiritual ritual that affects the flesh. And the same can be said with joining a church, becoming baptized, having a Bible in the house, wearing a cross or having a Christian funeral. In the eyes of God there is a huge difference between believing and actually having a covenant relationship with him.
Satan and the powers of darkness (fallen angels) believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but they refuse to humble themselves and seek forgiveness. They are not interested in changing from their evil ways and living to glorify God by living a righteous holy life, pursuing a passionate love and dedication to the Lord. The proof is in the pudding so to speak, and the talk must match the walk. If we are people of covenant with God through Jesus then our life must reflect it, and this begins in a person’s heart. That heart must be humble, surrendered, passionate and in love with Jesus. Would you want anything less from your son-in-law or daughter-in-law for the delight of you heart? God is no less passionate for Jesus! Jesus deserves to have a bride that is passionately in love with him. And how do we do that? The same way we learn to love another person. We must spend time with them, learn their heart’s desires, seek to bless them and make them happy. We have to die to our selfish desires and put them first. We must make them the delight of our heart and life, and the same is true with Jesus our groom. Circumcision hurts! It doesn’t matter if it is done to a child or an adult. Living flesh is cut away to expose sensitive tissue. It brings about blood and discomfort even well after the procedure is finished. It becomes a daily reminder of what took place.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to circumcise our heart many of these things affect our heart the same as the physical procedure. At first the dying to self hurts. Our natural instinct is to still want control of our life and have our hearts desires stay our priority for our life. We become sensitive to things said and done that point our sinful rebellion and demand for change. We become weary of the slow progress of the cutting away of that old man in us that wants to struggle against God. But for those who see their spiritual circumcision of their heart as getting rid of the unwanted spiritual cancer that was killing their very soul, all that goes with it become a joyful hope of Christ-like perfection. The end results quickly casts a shadow on the process. Like with childbirth for the mother, the pain of the delivery suddenly disappears when they hold their sweet baby. So it is with those that choose to give their heart to Jesus!
Prayer: Lord Jesus how we love you! Increase our love and passion for you Jesus until we are at last all consumed in you. We love you Jesus!