Detestable Practices
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord you God.
You may be thinking, “Why is Jim bringing this up? Aren’t most of his readers Christians?” Well, chances are most of you are, but you you might be surprised how many Christians daily practice some sort of Satanic practices! I was a pastor in the United Methodist Church for about 32 years, and I witnessed it many times with people in the United Methodist church and other denominations! Surprised, well I really wasn’t and you may not be as well. Many of these practices have been around from the earliest recorded times, and most are still going strong although they may be called by different names to try and protect the innocent so to speak.
Have you ever heard someone say, “Go to hell - I wish you were dead - I wish I had never met you - I hope they suffer for what they did?” I could go on and on, but you have the idea and I am sure you could easily add to the list. You may say these are harmless. Wrong! Satan and the powers of darkness recognize these for what they are, and they are spells cast. You say, “I never saw them go to hell or any of those other things?” Well, just because you haven’t seen them yet doesn’t mean they will not occur. The powers of darkness are more than willing to bring evil on people or anything. The thing most people don’t realize is that when Satan or the powers do something for you, even if it is small or you may have said jokingly, you owe them! They never forget it and they are not , afraid to bring it up before God and God knows it too. This is why we need to be very careful what we confess with our mouth. Remember God respects our free will. If someone says, “I will probably die of cancer like my dad.” The powers of darkness respond to the Lord by saying, “They said it themselves that they could get it.” You may shake your head at this, but the powers of darkness only smile. Using divining rods or witching for water and the like is demonic. That’s why they call it witching. It works because the powers of darkness make it work. Christians can not do this or even have it done. If they do they will have opened up a crack in their armor (Eph 6:11-18) that will give the powers of darkness access into their life. The same is true with using a weegie board. It works too, because the powers of darkness make it work.
Once I was called to a Christian’s home that had a demon come into. The family was terrified at what had begun happening. They would have objects come off the wall, and fly across the room for no apparent reason. They would all at the same time hear footsteps walking throughout their house. One night their dog started crying and whining, and when the family got up there was round ball of bright light that was under their son’s bed. Suddenly it came out and went out through the wall. When I sat down with the family, I began to ask them questions as to any occultic practices anyone of them may have been doing. They all said no except the little boy that had the light under his bed. As I began to talk to him he confessed that he been playing with the weegie board. I led him in a prayer of renouncing what he did and had him ask Jesus to forgive him. I then prayed that Jesus would bind the powers of darkness from ever returning to bother them again. The mother called me a couple of weeks later, and she said that not only had they thrown away the weegie board but started going to their church again. Then she said that not only had the demons left their home, but the little boy was even back to his old nice self. Two years later I called to check how they were all doing, and she said that there was still no more demons and their family was growing closer to each other and to Jesus.
Another common demonic activity for Christians is looking in the paper at the articles on astrology or horoscopes. This is not harmless in that it is a form of divination. Most Christians that I confronted about this along with superstition say that they really don’t believe in the silly things. Well, then why do they continue to look at them or do them? The powers of darkness are more than willing to make them come true in order to get their hooks in you! When they do, the only way to get them out is with Jesus’ help.
Witches and Warlocks are very real. There are many in the United States and all over the world. They have their own churches they call covens. They sacrifice animals, and even have been known to sacrifice babies as well. They drink blood and dedicate their souls to Satan. Satan enables them to cast spells and do miracles. I would suggest that you never let your children or even yourself dress up like a witch or sorcerer for Halloween.
All these things are very real. If you don’t think so, I might ask what other parts of the Bible don’t you believe either? Remember God calls these things detestable, and they are an abomination to him! If you have done these things including magic (Rev 22:15), you really need to renounce them and seek forgiveness from Jesus even if you are a Christian. You need to stop doing them, and never start doing them again. These practices can open a person to possession as well. I have even seen a pastor’s child possessed. Jesus set this person free from demonic possession and also oppression.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Satan and the powers of darkness are so deceitful. They make your children believe that there is nothing wrong with these practices. Please help your Bride to beware of their lies, and help us to be the righteous holy Bride you would have us to be. Please keep us only to yourself. We ask this Jesus in you holy name.