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Joshua 2:17-19 The men said to her, “This oath you made us swear will not be binding on us unless, when we enter the land, you have tied this scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and unless you have brought your father and mother, your brothers and all your family into your house. If anyone goes outside your house into the street, his blood will be on his own head; we will not be responsible.

At last Israel was about to enter into their Promised Land that God had promised Abraham and his descendants. (Gen15:18-21) It could have been

545 - 750 years since God had made this promise, but God is true to his promises and he is never late. While Moses could not enter in, Moses’ constant and loyal friend Joshua would take the leadership and led Israel into their Promised Land. Before they set out for their new homeland, Joshua sends two men to spy out the area and especially a large city names Jericho. Once in the city the men went to a house of an innkeeper or some say a prostitute. There they learned that the entire land was in fear of Israel, because they had heard of how God dried up the Red Sea for Israel to escape from Egypt. They also heard how Israel had defeated the kings of Sihon and Og on the east side of the Jordan River, and now they feared for their lives. While inside Rahab’s house or inn, they learned that their presence had been found out and they were in danger of being caught. Rahab promises to protect them in exchange for their protection for her and her family. The spies for Israel agree but add the clause that they would only be protected if she and her family stayed in her house where she had placed the scarlet cord in the window.

In some ways Rahab and her family had their own passover just as Israel had theirs in Egypt. In Egypt the blood of the sacrificed lamb, or goat was placed on the doorposts and above the door. When the angel of the Lord passed over that house and saw the blood, those inside would have their lives spared. Now when the Hebrews would see the scarlet cord, they would be obligated to spare those inside her house. Just as God was true to his word, the men of Israel were true to their word and they spared Rahab and her family.

From this passage there have been many pastors that have preached messages where they trace that scarlet cord through the Bible. It would not be a scarlet cord as it was for Rahab, but rather one that would point the Savior of the world. Jesus Christ would become that scarlet cord, that Passover Lamb of God. Now when God would see the blood of his Son Jesus Christ on our hearts and lives of Christians, God’s wrath would passover them. The scarlet cord began with God before creation. I Peter 1:20,21 says, “He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believed in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. It is seen in God’s promise that through the seed of man would come one that would crush the head of the serpent (Satan). We see it in the offering sacrificed by Abel when he brought the firstborn from his flock as a sacrifice to the Lord. It was in Noah’s sacrifice following the flood. It was in blood sacrifice confirming the covenant with God that would bring the promise of one through Abraham that would bless the earth. It would be seen in the passover lamb in Egypt and the scarlet cord of Rahab’s house. We see it in the ark of the covenant, the cross, the empty tomb, the resurrection and the return of Jesus to reign and rule on earth.

Like with the scarlet cord of Rahab, the blood of Jesus saves only as long as we choose to stay under it. Our salvation is a marathon, and not necessarily a sprint. We daily work out our salvation with fear and trembling knowing how weak we are, but rejoicing in how great and strong Jesus is. (Phil 2:12) While our salvation is immediate, it is also ongoing. With each day and each new sin the blood of Jesus continues its wonderful work of forgiveness. Its cleansing power will never lose its power. In fact Romans 5:20 tells us that where sin abounds, God’s grace abounds even more! Is that good new or what? In the salvation of Jesus our past sins are forgiven, our present and even our future sins as we stand firm in our saving covenant with Jesus.

Prayer: Heavenly Father we thank you that you sent Jesus to die for our sins, so that we might know that your wrath has already passed over us. Thank you Lord Jesus for becoming our sacrifice, so we might be forgiven and reconciled to you, the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. We love you Lord, you are a wonderful God and Savior!



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