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Avoiding Sin's Grasp

Genesis 4:7b But if you do not do what is right sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

Sin had entered humanity through Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God’s command to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Now this sinful or carnal nature was going to be passed down to all future generations. One of their sons by the name of Cain was about to experience it first hand. Cain and his brother Able had brought offerings to give to the Lord. In some manner Cain did not offer it as God had directed, because it was not accepted by God. When Cain was upset God responded that if he would do what was right it would be accepted, and then God added verse 7b.

The carnal nature that everyone is born with resists or wrestles against God’s will wanting our own will to be done. Surprisingly God will allow us to win just as he did Jacob in Gen 32:22-32. God will always allow us to win when we resist him, because he is determined to respect our free will. When Jacob (deceiver) does this God changes his name to Israel that means struggles with God. Even to this very day Jews still struggle with God. Why you may ask? It is because of the curse they have put on themselves that began before Pilate when the people yelled for Jesus’ death in saying, “Let his blood be on us and our children!” The Jewish people will neither have spiritual or physical peace until they receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Until they do they continue to give in to their carnal nature and rebel against God’s will for all humanity that is being reconciled to God through his Son Jesus Christ. God told Cain that if he did what was right he would be accepted. Being and doing what is right is doing God’s will. We call this being righteous. This comes only one way and this this through having faith in the grace of Jesus’ atonement. This is done by asking Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our heart. This takes place immediately, and continues until we go to be with Jesus in heaven and come into full perfection. The work of perfection comes as we continue to be forgiven and become more Christ-like. With this also comes the blessing of being set free of the carnal nature that we inherited from Adam and Eve. (Rom 7:5,6 & 8:9-17)

What wonderful joy and freedom we have when Jesus comes into our heart and brings about his wonderful work in us. If you long to experience this for yourself it is simply a prayer away!

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for setting us free of not only our sins, but even the desire to rebel and sin against you. You are a wonderful God and Savior, and we love you so very much!

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