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Genesis 4:15a But the Lord said to him, “Not so, if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over.”

This is the first time that we see where God says that he will pass his judgment seven times greater. The next time is in Leviticus 26:18 where it says, “If after allthis you will not listen to me, I will punish you for our sins seven times over. I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like bronze. Your strength will be spent in vain because your soil will not yield its crops, nor will the trees of the land yield their fruit.”

Probably the next most important and talked about most verse is in Daniel 9:20-27. It is here that God speaking through Daniel gives his prophecy regarding the end of times, just before Jesus’ return. In verse 24 it talks about the 70 x 7 or 140 years following the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. It is during this time that in the holy city the Anointed one will put an end to sin, finish transgression and to atone for wickedness. After 70 years of exile in Babylon King Cyrus issued a decree for the Jews to be able to return to their homeland to rebuild their temple and Jerusalem, While all were able to return only a few did even though Jeremiah said God had set their exile for 70 years. When they became content in their new countries and refused to return to Israel, God expended their punishment to 70 x 7 or 149 years. Then in Daniel 9:26 it says, “After 62 x 7 or 480 years the Anointed one will be cut off and the sanctuary and the city will be destroyed.” It would be at this time that Jesus would be crucified for the sins of humanity. It would be 483 Biblical years from the command to rebuild until Calvary. This leaves 7 years that make up the time of the Great Tribulation that will come just before Jesus returns to earth. With this last 7 years it will finish the 483 years to fulfill the prophecy of Daniel of 490 to finish the punishment of Israel. So what does this have to Cain you might ask? Well, the same thing it has to do with us! If we refuse to repent and obey God after he has tried to get us to repent, he will punish us 70 times greater until we repent. You may think that this is unfair, but really it is tough love! God loves us so much that he is willing to risk losing us that he might regain us in reconciled love. God is not unjust or cruel at all. At any time we can seek forgiveness through Jesus and God will no longer punish us. We don’t have to be punished for 490 years or eternity in hell! Our punishment is determined by ourself. It was and never will be his desire to punish anyone. It is his desire for us to love and obey him.

Are you struggling in life now and living in rebellion to God? Well, God will let you win in your resistance to him, but you will pay a great price for it! Only in surrender will you find real victory! Right now won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you of your sinful rebellion and find real peace and reconciliation with God. God wants this more than what you can ever understand. If you doubt this just think how he had his Son Jesus Christ stretch out his arms on a cruel cross just for you!

Prayer: Jesus, thank you so much for your great love and forgiveness. Thank you that my sins no longer holds me bound for all eternity in guilt and shame. We love you Lord Jesus!

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