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II Samuel 14:14b But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him.

Sadness had come to King David’s life. One of his sons by the name of Amnon had raped one of his own half sisters. Although David was king and father to both of them, David neither punished his son or comforted his daughter. Maybe he tried to distance himself from the entire matter, because of his affair with Bathsheba and his fear of seeming to be a hypocrite. The problem like with any wound that has no healing is it only festers making matters worse. This is what happened in the case of Amnon and Tamar. Amnon became arrogant showing no remorse for what he did, and even showed disdain to Tamar. When she asked him to marry her he rejected her completely bringing her and her family even more shame. To avenge for his sister Absalom killed Amnon, but in order to save his life Absalom fled to Geshur. Now David had one son that was dead, and another that deserved punishment but was living in exile.

After Absalom had lived there three years, King David longed to have Absalom back, but he had the problem of being king and Absalom deserving punishment. The commander of David’s army decided to help David get his son back for him. To do this he sent a woman who pretended to have lost a son, because her other son had killed him. She begged David to show him mercy so she wouldn’t lose both her sons. When David pardoned him Joab pointed out verse 14b and how he needed to pardon Absalom. David allowed Absalom to be forgiven, but kept him estranged and wouldn't let Absalom come see him.

I like to think of verse 14b as a key verse to understanding the Bible and why it was written. It is because of this verse we can have John 3:16. You see when God created all things he made them good, and there was no sin or evil in them. It was only when Adam and Eve freely chose to reject God’s will for their life that sin entered humanity. Once sin entered the hearts of humanity, a similar problem came about like with David and Absalom. Sin deserved punishment and that brought about estrangement. Sin wanted no part with righteousness, and righteousness could not abide with sin. God needed a plan if reconciliation could take place. God would have to remain just and righteous. If God would compromise his righteousness and justice for Adam and Eve, then he had to do it for everything and that included Satan, the other fallen angels, and everything else that would ever sin. God could not do for one what he wouldn’t do for all. In bringing about this reconciliation God would have to respect everyones free will, because God had resigned to letting creation have a free will in order that it could love him as he loved his creation.

So before creation God devised a plan just as verse 14b tells us, so the banished would not have to remain estranged from him. We see this plan in I Peter 1:18-21 where it says, “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for our sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

While David pardoned Absalom, he left him estranged. There was no reconciliation. David would not welcome his son back into his presence and love him as he one did. It was never God’s intention to just not punish us, but to have reconciliation with us. God wanted us to be with him and love him as he loves us. And because of his great passion and love for us he followed through with his plan even though it would come at a great price for God. It would come by means of John 3:16,17. Here it says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Sad to say it seems that most Christians haven’t either understood this message or never heard it correctly. Most Christians see Christianity as a means of forgiveness and escaping hell's punishment. They miss entirely the purpose for their salvation, and this is to be reconciled with God. Few Christians have a real personal relationship with God. Sometimes they go to church, give offerings to help keep the church open and pay the pastor, serve on committees to add some since of earthy purpose. While all these things are good and important, they are not the reason why Jesus came to earth to die such a terrible death for us. He came that we might know him and love him in a personal intimate way!

This is not impossible at all! God is as close as our next heartbeat way, as close as a sigh or the utterance of the name of Jesus. James 4:2 tells us that we have not because we ask not. Most Christians do not ask, because they really don’t want to. For most it is like the parable Jesus told of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22:1-14. Few came because others felt the things of this world were more important to them. How sad and terrible to think that God loved us so much to pay such a great price for us to be able to have us have a personal intimate relationship with him only to have us give it up for things that in one hour will not be remembered. Most Christians think how wonderful it will be to be with God for all eternity in heaven, but they don’t want to spend their day walking in his presence and love. What in this world are we thinking? Well, the problem is we are still making our priority the things of this world!

Well, what are we to do? I might suggest googling the song written by Harry Chapin in 1974 called “Cat’s in the Cradle”. After you finished your prayer before you walk out the front door play this song. Then do this in the evening after you finish your evening prayer. And if you are still having a hard time putting Jesus first during your day, try playing it before you have your lunch. And if you are still having a hard time wanting to put Jesus first during your day, try playing it on your break. And if you are still having a hard time, maybe have it tattooed on the back of your right hand, right where the mark of the beast could be some day?

Prayer: Precious Lord Jesus, how sorry we are for all the times we have neglected you for the insignificant things in our life! Please help us to put you first now and forever. You are a wonderful God and Savior, and always will be to us. Please help us Jesus to practice your presence in every step that we take. We ask this Jesus in your holy name.

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