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I Kings 3:2 The people, however, were still sacrificing at the high places, because a temple had not yet been built for the Name of the Lord.

The high places were locations where idol worshippers built altars to worship and sacrifice to their gods. They were usually located as high as possible, so their prayers would be more accessible to their god, and maybe it made them feel closer to their god as well. Sad to say when Joshua led the Hebrews into their promised land, they were supposed to rid their country of all this idol worship. High places continued to be worshipped at until King Josiah destroyed them around 641 to 609. This meant that after the Lord told Joshua and all Israel to rid their country of high places, it only took them about 810 years or so to do it!!!!! Knowing this I think people continued to use high places in Solomon’s time really wasn’t because they didn’t have a temple, it was because they still wanted to use them! Even as much as King David loved the Lord and the Lord blessed him, he still had idols in his house! (I Sam 19:13)

Today Christians still have idols, and go to high places! Well Jim, how can you say such things? Well, probably because it is true! I don’t like to hear it any more than you do, but it is true just the same. I have visited many Christians as a pastor and I have seen all kinds of this in their homes and in their lives. I have visited superintendents of denominations that had Doctorates of Divinity, had positions of great authority and influence over pastors, churches and Christians and they had statues of Buddhas in their homes. I have seen this type of thing with laity as well. Now, you may not feel this is wrong, and say it is only decoration, but you feel it was acceptable to have pictures of your husband and the woman that he had an affair with sitting on your mantle? Well, how do you think it makes Jesus feel to see stuff around your house and in your car that other people use to worship their gods. The same can be said with Christians doing yoga. Look it up on google and find out the spiritual implications that Hindus use this practice for. You don’t see Hindus, Buddhists, Jews or Muslims with crosses around their neck and hanging from the mirror of their cars! What on earth are Christians thinking? The problem is, they are not thinking. Many have no real understanding of their faith to begin with, some think it is harmless, others could care less, but I tell you God cares and he destains it as much as he did the high places and the idols that Hebrews continued to have. Not only is this a bad witness, but Satan and the powers of darkness take this very seriously. They know that God has set firmly in place free will even for Christians. When a Christian has these and other occultic practices in their life, even as decoration, it gives Satan and the powers of darkness free access into their home and life. Many Christian families and people within their family are oppressed and even become possessed, because of what seemingly is acceptable by the world’s standards. Christians are not supposed to live by the world’s standards, but the standards set by our Lord.

We will reap what we sow, and if we are sowing in fields filled with thorn bushes, poisonous snakes, quick sand and other dangerous things, we shouldn’t expect blessings to flow out of such a field. The only harvest that will come from a field like this will only bring sorrow and death! Do you often wonder why as you read the Old Testament why Israel continued to have sorrow upon sorrow? Well, you can not eat at Satan’s table and expect Jesus to come and sit down with you! Christians may compromise the narrow way, but Jesus will never!

You may say, “Jim, don’t get so excited! I don’t have any Buddha or Gnome statues.” Do you look at the horoscope, are you superstitious, practice divination, channeling, have lucky charms, practice yoga, talk or pray to the dead? Nope! None of these. Do you worship your pastor, church, family, friends, job, sports? In other words what is it that you either put before Jesus or as King David and King Solomon did along side of the Lord. Even though as Christians we go to church and even serve at the church, we will never have a Holy Spirit filled life and a victorious life if our loyalty for Jesus is compromised.

Leviticus chapter 4 talks to us about unintentional sin and the consequences of it. Sometimes as I mentioned earlier, we just don’t know any better. While God knows this, Satan and the powers of darkness do too, but they just don’t care! What type of field are you planting in and what kind of harvest are you expecting? How is your crop progressing? Sometimes during the growing season the farmers will get on their tractor and get into their field to get rid of some weeds so they can have a good harvest. Sometimes as Christians we too need to clean out our homes and lives periodically if we want a victorious life now and for all eternity.

Prayer: Lord Jesus we thank you that you are more than enough for all our needs and desires. Please help us to quickly see and exterminate all those things in all our lives that could possible hurt our relationship with you. We never ever want to hurt you in any way, because we love you Jesus! We ask this in your holy name.

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