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I Kings 18:18 “I have not made trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and have followed the Baals.

It certainly wasn’t that Ahab didn’t know that the Lord brought Israel out of bondage in Egypt, then through the wilderness and helped them conquer their Promised Land. The thing was Ahab and several kings before him chose to worship the god of the other countries around them. Probably at one time or another in a person’s life they have experienced peer pressure. It usually doesn’t seem that big a thing at first, because it usually comes from the friends that you want to be around and be like.

Most often people will give into peer pressure and change to comply to the standard of the group or person. Sometimes it can be a good thing, such as when a person wants to turn from sin in their life to be a Christian and be like Jesus. It can also be a bad thing when others try to encourage good people to start doing what they shouldn’t. The Northern Kingdom had willingly abandoned their faith and love for the Lord. In the place of worshipping the Lord, their king Jeroboam had two gold caves for the people to worship like they had in Egypt. After doing this they also added the idol Baal, the idol of the Canaanites. The Northern Kingdom had been going from bad to worse for a long time. Now God was about to confront them and their false gods to a duel at high noon so to speak. Ahab’s prophets of Baal and Elijah would call down fire from heaven and the prophets that were answered would be seen as the true prophets of the true God. The Lord answered Elijah’s prayer and because of this all the prophets of Baal were killed. Sad to say this didn’t stop idol worship with Ahab or any of the following kings of the Northern Kingdom.

It is sad to think that people have continued to abandon their faith and go back to the ways of the world, but people do this every day. They may not come right out and stand on the street corner or come to the front of the church to announce that they no longer want to have Jesus be their Lord and Savior but it is still done. Usually it is like people abandoning their marital vows. It most often begins in the mind, then goes to the heart and then lastly betrayal takes place.

Often people will become disappointed in the actions or lack of something done by the people in the church to bringing disappointment or discouragement. It can come by the pastor or the laity. It may even come from God himself. Maybe a person has wanted their prayer to be answered badly, and when it wasn’t they chose to turn away from Jesus because they felt betrayed. Whatever the reason it was they left their commitment with Jesus, they will always find something to fill that void. Sometimes like with King Ahab and Northern Israel another god. Sometimes nothing seems to encourage them to repent and return to the Lord. In this case little can be done, because God will not force himself on anyone. But for those that love these people, there is always prayer that God will not give up on them and soften their hearts toward Jesus once again. With the exception of death I don’t think anything comes as close to the great disappoint and sorrow as when a loved one turns away from Jesus. But it is because of this great love there is no better person to be so committed as to be their intercessor for their soul.

Are you carrying a great burden for someone that has abandoned Jesus? If you are you can be assured that you are not alone. The Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus carries it too. And not for only that person, but for you too. They can empathise with the great hurt and burden that you carry for them. And it is because of your great burden you carry, God will not give up on your loved one.

I have a very good friend named Arlie Neaville. He is a famous rock and roll singer of the early sixties. He started the same time as Elvis Presley and had the same style of singing. They had both came from Pentecostal backgrounds as a child. While Elvis had his problems and disappointment just like everyone, Arlie turned from the Lord and even formed a band called Dean Carter and the Demons. In doing this he became very popular and would sing to crowds in the thousands. In fact his old music is making a come back and is popular in England and Europe today. A few weeks ago Arlie told me of how he returned to Jesus and ended his rock and roll music. He said one day while singing out west, he had a compelling urge to return to Daisy his aged grandmother that raised him starting when he was just six years old. By the time Arlie reached Daisy’s hometown she was in that same old Pentecostal church that he sang in as a little boy. In fact it was there he first got his guitar and sang his first solo. He told me he sat outside for some time hoping they would end soon and he would not have to go in, but that proved to be only wishful thinking on his own part. So he put his pride aside and went in to be with Daisy. He said as he walked down the aisle he could hear the people whisper, “ Isn’t that Daisy’s grandson Arlie?” He kept walking down to front row where Daisy sat. He sat down and put his hand on her hand and didn’t say a word. Although Daisy hadn’t been able to see for years, even before Arlie came to live with her, she turned her head and whispered, “Arlie, is that you?” He whispered back, “Yes Daisy, I have come back to be with you.” She laid her head over and told him she had been praying that he would. Arlie said that just then the preacher saw him and asked him to come up and sing for them. Arlie said it had been so long that he sang in church he didn’t even know if he could remember a song, and now he was singing songs that didn’t glorify Jesus at all. Then just as if Daisy knew what he was thinking she squeezed his hand and told him it would be alright.

Arile said he walked up and started singing and it was as natural as when he was that boy so long ago. Later that night at Daisy’s house she told him that she had never stopped praying for him to come back to Jesus. Then she gave him one last altar call. She asked him to come back to Jesus. Arlie said that she didn’t know what she was asking, because he was very popular and making a lot of money. He was driving a brand new shiny black Cadillac convertible with spoked wheels. It was everyone's dream car. Elvis had one, but his was pink. He said not only would he miss the money , but he said maybe worse of all was the fame. He told me it was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but then he added, “But I did it and I meant it. I asked Jesus’ forgiveness and to come into my heart once again.” The next day he went back out west to sing, but when he arrived he was told that after he left Daisy she died. With this Arlie looked at me and told me left rock and roll and started singing for Jesus never to look back again. After that Arlie began writing and singings songs for Jesus just like Daisy always wanted. He would still have that Rockabilly sound and even late in life I would notice his right leg began to move around kind of like Elvis. He told me that wasn’t the rock and roll coming out, but that old Pentecostal in him. I smiled, because I knew it was true. Arlie was 100% Jesus through and through just like Daisy.

If you have loved ones that have drifted away from Jesus, don’t give up on them, but keep bringing them before Jesus. He will see your love for them, because he too feels your pain.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for being so patient with us. None of us deserve your love, mercy or grace. Please help our loved ones and friends to come back to you. Touch there heart as only you can, so we can once again be hand and hand with them before your throne for all eternity.

Note: If you would like any of Arlie’s CD’s this is how you can contact him. He has received many awards and much recognition from the music industry. Arlie Neaville 1208 E. Pennsylvania Ave Urbana, Illinois 61801-5319 Phone 1-217-344-719

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