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II Kings 6:16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

The king of Aram was at war with Israel, and every time he would try to set a trap to fight Israel Elisha would warn Israel’s king. After a while the king of Aram began to try to find out who was betraying him to Israel. One of his officers told him that it was Elisha the prophet of Israel that was doing it. So the king of Aram found out where Elisha was and sent a troop of soldiers to kill him.

The next morning when Elisha’s servant saw Aram’s soldiers he certainly expected their death, so asked Elisha what were they going to do. This is when Elisha told him that he didn’t need to be afraid, because there were more with them than those of their enemy. Then Elisha opened the eyes of his servant, and he could see the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around them. God’s army was ready to defend them and they far out numbered that of the king of Aram’s army. Then much like what the angel at Sodom did, Elisha prayed to have his enemy struck with blindness. Then in an ironic act Elisha led the Aramean soldiers to Samaria in Israel and then opened their eyes. When the king of Israel asked what he should do with them, Elisha told him to feed them and send them home and this is what he did. Now we don’t know if their blindness was physical or mental, because it would have been difficult for Elisha and his servant to lead so many Arameans with horses and chariots if they were physically blind. I think it was more of a mental blindness that God brought on them. I think that they were kind of in a dream like state where they didn’t know what to do and were willing to follow anyone. In a way it really doesn’t matter one way or another, because the real point was God took Elisha’s enemy as great as they were and removed their threat.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us that, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, and against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Then in II Corinthians 10:3,4 tells us, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

Whether Christian realize it or want to acknowledge it or not, we are all in a war on a daily basis. Yes Jesus has given us the victory over sin and death, but the battle’s in this world continues to go on until we die, and leave this physical body behind to take on the likeness of Jesus. (I Cor 15:49) It is a battle that is very real and has great consequences here on earth and can also in the heavenly realms as well. We need to take them very serious, because Satan, the powers of darkness certainly do!

Before Jesus went to sit at the right hand of God the Father, he empowered the church that we might not be defenceless against those in the spiritual realm. We see this in Matthew 16:19 it says, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth on earth will be loosed in heaven.” I do not take this authority lightly, nor do I treat it with arrogance. The authority we have in Jesus is backed up by Jesus himself. To use it correctly brings honor to Jesus, but to use it in a flippant way is insulting to Jesus and our relationship with him as his bride. It would much like a child being entrusted with his parents checkbook, and the child wasting it in a disrespectful way.

Satan and the powers of darkness fear and tremble when dealing with a Christian no matter how young they may be that deals with them from the authority they have in Jesus. I don’t care if it is Satan or all of the powers of darkness at one time, they have to obey Jesus and will bow before him and his authority. They have no choice in this. This is probably why Satan himself very seldom deals with a Christian that stands in the authority of Jesus. Even Satan has to obey the binding that Jesus authority has brought to us. Satan does not want to lose face in front of the other fallen angels, and those in the abode of the unrighteous dead. He dominates by intimidation and the authority we have in Jesus can destroy that. Satan and the powers of darkness do not have to have authority over a Christian's life! The only reason they will have power over a Christian is if a Christian will allow they to have it. Jesus certainly doesn’t want them to dominate us, so why should we?

Well, how do we know when it is Satan, the powers of darkness, the evil of this world or just freedom of creation that we are dealing with? Good question and I am glad you asked! It is not always simple, but I do know that if we do not try to get to the bottom of our battle we will never know who we fighting. And if we don’t know who we are fighting, how will know how to wage war against them? We must have eyes to see, ears to hear and a tender heart to believe. Jesus tells us this in Matt 13:15 and

Mk 8:18. In other words like Elisha’s servant that couldn’t see in the spiritual realm, we need the help of the Holy Spirit to give us discernment into the situation or battle. He will show us not only what is going on, but what we must do to win! Then we must of course do what he tells us. When we tell Satan and the powers of darkness that they must go into the pit and never come out again, and demand it in the name of Jesus of Nazarus the Son of God, they have to do it. We can bind not only all their attacks on us, but on everyone! They have to obey, because of the authority we have being the Bride of Jesus. What we bind on earth, Jesus in heaven makes it happen. But binding is only half of the promise given us by our Husband, Savior and Lord. Jesus also said what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. When we ask for God’s help here on earth to do something he will help us. Most often we have not, because we ask not! (James 4:2)

Jesus has given us the victory, but the battles wage on as you know. You may even be having one right now. The question might be; are you waging war on your own effort or the authority of Jesus?Well, if it is not in the authority you can be assured you are going to lose! The powers may back off for awhile, but when the time is right they will be right back. You can’t expect to stop cancer with a bandaid. You must go to the source of your problem or attack, and stop your enemy! Just remember when you do you must always do it in humility and giving Jesus all the glory and praise.

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for not leaving us defenceless against Satan, the powers of darkness and the evil of this world. Please help us to use your authority correctly and always give you all the thanks, praise and glory. We ask this in your holy name.

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