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Job 5:17,18 Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal.

As we begin to look at the Book of Job, you might keep this verse in mind as well as 33:29,30 and the last chapter 42. The reason for this is most people really have not read the Book of Job in its entirety.

Like with much of the Bible that is read it is done in pieces here and there. It’s almost like watching a rabbit hop around the back yard. Seldom are they going in a straight line unless a dog is behind them.

The reason I say this that when we read Job in context as a whole, we see things differently than maybe we might have other wise. Usually we see Job’s trials and we applaud him, and look down on his friends. In some ways I see this book as all about God and not necessarily Satan or even Job. The reason I say this is what pointed out in chapter 33:29,30. It says, “God does all these thing to a man- twice, even three times-to turn back his soul from the pit, that he light of life may shine on him.

When Eliphaz told Job not to despise the discipline of the Almighty, I am sure that Job felt insulted. I am sure Job thought, “Why should I be disciplined?” God had even told Satan that Job was blameless and upright; that he feared God and shunned evil. Job also believed this, but later we see that what was in his heart (the sin of self-righteousness) was quite different than what he even thought. This is the very reason why God will test us as he did Abraham in Gen 22:1-19. Even God doesn’t know know what is in our heart until actions reveal it. The reason I say this is Gen 22:12 where it says, “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” God had a purpose in mind for allowing Satan to test Job so much, and this takes us back to Job 33:29,30. The reason was God’s great love for Job. Now you may be thinking probably like Job, “If this is love, maybe I don’t need it!” Well,if you were thinking this you would have been wrong! Just as our children need correction in order to grow and become good adults, we need God’s correction.

I never enjoyed my dad correcting me. He would tell me to bend over, and then pull his belt out of his pants and give me a good whack or two or three! It always hurt and it certainly was a deterrent not to do that again. My dad’s act of love even though at the time sure didn’t seem like love, helped me to become a better person. It helped me to recognize authority and to do what was right. Dad put fear in me, even though I always knew that he loved me very much. I did learn that it was always better to spank our children on the hind end with my hand. They have plenty of padding there, and if I use my hand I will always know if I am spanking too hard or too soft.

There always comes a time in a child's life when spanking is no longer appropriate. As they get older different means of discipline can be used. But no matter what discipline is ever used it must be done as God does it and that is in love. If the discipline hurts the child more than the parent then it is not done correctly. This is exactly the way it is with God too. God never enjoys disciplining us. He would much sooner bless us as we see with Job after he repents in chapter 24.

The problem is even for Christians is we associate our punishment with God not loving us or being mean. This wasn’t any different with Job. While in verse 22 it says that he didn’t charge God with wrongdoing, we see quite the opposite later on in the book. In chapter 40 we see quite the opposite. God confronts Job by saying, “Let him who accuses God answer him. Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? You see Job had went so far as to say, “I am innocent, but God denies me justice. In sign now my defense-let the Almighty answer me; let my accuser put his indictment in writing. Surely I would wear it on my shoulder, I would put it on like a crown. I would give him an account of my every step; like a prince I would approach him.”

Sad to say Israel never seemed to respond to God’s discipline. They often resented it so much that they would turn from God to worship other gods. Then at other times they would continue to sin once God removed his punishment. Christians don’t always respond to God’s discipline correctly either. I believe the major reason is they never see God’s love in his discipline.

So how do we know if God is correcting us? Well, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to understand if there is something in our life that God wants us to change. Then we need to listen and obey. Most often there is sin, because we want it there. The thing is we are not better off with it in our life. The sooner we ask forgiveness of our sin and stop doing it the sooner God can stop our punishment.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much. Please forgive us when we become angry when you correct us. Please be patient with us and help us to see your correction as it is, and that is an act of love by our Heavenly Father.

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