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Psalm 24:7-10 Lift up your heads, O you gates: be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty-he is the King of glory.

This verse along with others point to the fulfillment of Jesus as the Promised Messiah that God gave Abraham when he said that through him would come someone that would bless the entire earth. (Gen 12:3) Jesus fulfilled many prophecies when he came the first time, and he will fulfill many more to prove himself as the true Messiah when he comes again. Because of the many antichrists that have come over the years and the many who have claimed to be Jesus in his second coming, God has given many prophesies that only God can bring about. While some prophecies can be brought about by the will of man, they still must take place to verify that it is indeed Jesus.

The prophecy regarding the glory of the Lord coming through the Eastern Gate and entering the temple can be seen in Ezekiel 43:1-12. It is still remembered and looked for by the religious leaders of Israel today as well as Christians and even Muslims. Following the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by Rome in 70 A.D., the walls were left in destruction. But then fulfilling prophecy in Isaiah 60:10, the walls and gates were rebuilt around 1530-1517 by Suleiman the Magnificent who commanded the Ottoman Empire. When he learned that the promised Messiah would have to enter through the Eastern Gate, he had it sealed up and had a Muslim cemetery placed in front of it to keep the Messiah from entering it and go into the temple. We know this is an area of contention yet today, but the Jews and Christians believe that nothing will stop the Messiah if he is indeed the true Messiah. This will not be the first time Jesus will have ever went though the Eastern Gate. When he come to earth the first time he must have went through it many times as it led into the temple mount. He must have certainly done it when he came Triumphantly into Jerusalem. When he returns for the second time he will return to stand on the Mount of Olives as it is told in Zechariah 14:4. At that time as his feet stand on the mount, it will have a great earthquake that will split the mount with part going north and part going south. With this I wouldn’t be surprised Psalm 24:7-10 will be fulfilled.

There are many prophecies that need to be fulfilled before Jesus return, this is only one. You can google information about it, or you can look to my devotional from Job 19:25 titled “Prophecy given - Prophecy fulfilled.” I don’t say you should do this for entertainment, courtesy, enlightenment, or anything other than your eternal security may just depend on it. In the last days the false prophet will deceive even the elect if were possible. (Matt 24:24) The sealed Eastern Gate will be opened once again, and as David said so long ago, “The King of glory will come in!”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we look forward for your return to earth to put an end to sin, wickedness, and evil. We look forward to coming back with you to rule for 1,000 years, and see you rule in majesty and glory. We love you Jesus!

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