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Psalm 69:6 May those who hope in you not be disgraced because of me, O Lord, the Lord Almighty; may those who seek you not be put to shame because of me, O God of Israel.

The one characteristic King David had that the Lord loved and appreciated most was David’s love for him. David was a man of great faith and trust in the Lord, and he did many things to glorify the Lord. But like all the rest of us David also did somethings that certainly didn’t glorify the Lord too. When David did them he would not just ask for forgiveness, but he would feel remorse and brokenness. Maybe it was because God had called him to become king of Israel and lead God’s people, or maybe it was he felt he was spiritually accountable as a witness for the Lord. Whatever it may have been David loved the Lord, and didn’t want to dishonor God’s trust in him. He also feared the thought that he might discourage others to love and trust in the Lord.

When we become a Christian we become associated Jesus whether we like it or not. And consciously or unconsciously we witness not only our relationship with Jesus every day, but we also witness Jesus in us whether it is good or bad. I enjoy sports and football is a big part of it especially professional football. In the 2014 season there was a big scandal regarding Tom Brady and the New England Patriots football team cheating by letting some of the air out of the ball so Brady could grip it better. Instead of just giving the team a 15 yard penalty and forgetting it, the commissioner fined the owner over a million dollars, had two employed suspended and was going to not let Tom Brady play for four games that would have cost him over a million dollars. The entire matter was taken to court and Tom Brady was acquitted, but the commissioner then took it to the appeals court. The entire matter was on the national news and sports news casts even into the 2015 football season. The one thing that was brought up time and again was the need to protect the shield. By this they meant the integrity of the game and league, so people would trust it was played fair.

Whether it was just a ploy on the part of the commissioner and owners to keep the NFL constantly before the public as a soap opera or whatever, their witness only proved to do more harm than good. In a way it is almost a joke to think that football at any level is played with great integrity. Every game there are at least five to six referees as well as instant replay to catch all the penalties where players have cheated. It is not a matter of if there will be a penalty, but what team will do it next and who will do it the most often. To be penalized means someone was cheating! Sad to say in the Christian faith over the years there have been many cases of being a poor witness our not only to ourselves, but how we perceive Jesus to the world. There have been some very bad cases such as the crusades where men, women and children were killed by the thousands, and the inquisition of the Catholic church where large number of people were either tortured or killed if they were not catholic. For years in the Christian faith Protestants and Catholics attacked, killed and treated each other terribly. What must the world have thought? I am sure that it left them shaking their heads, and not wanting anything to do with Jesus.

Over the years we have had famous pastors and laity alike do and say things that brought shame to the name and holiness of Jesus. Denominations, churches and even pastors have driven people away from Jesus by their condemning and judgmentalism. Rock Church under the pastoral leadership of Reverend Chuck Tate has a special ministry to what they call de-churched Christians. These are Christians that have been hurt by other Christians, and left their old church or denomination. Pastor Chuck reveals Jesus to us in the love and grace that Jesus has given us all. So, if Christians are all witnessing Jesus every day either consciously or unconsciously, what are we to do so we don’t mess things up like David was saying? Deflating a football seems like a pretty small matter when we lay it beside causing someone to turn away from Jesus!

I Peter 3:15,16a says, “But in your heart set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that your have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience.” Then in I Cor 16:14 Paul reminds us to do everything in love. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do ,do it all for the glory of God.

Romans 12:1 reminds us that the life we live is our spiritual worship to Jesus. It is also our witness! It comes through every aspect of our life, whether we want it or not. People are people watchers. Your co-worker may never ask you about your love for Jesus, but they hear how you talk and see the walk you walk. They can spot a phoney a mile off even it we wear cross around our neck. Non-Christians from the grocery check out lady to the guy at the gas station are watching us.

What we need to ask ourselves is what are they seeing and what do we want them to see? Are they seeing the real Jesus in us, or a religious person that is trying to impress someone?

David had a very real fear of not disgracing the Lord, or turning someone away from the Lord. Our life really does matter, and how we live it. It matters here on earth and in heaven!

Prayer: Holy Spirit please help us to always be a good witness for Jesus. Please help us to only be a source of encouragement for others to help them put their love and trust in Jesus. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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