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Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but it leads to death.

At first glance even this statement seems like it should be wrong, but isn’t this even what this verse is saying in the first place? How could something that everyone thinks is so right lead to something that can lead to death? Well, to understand what the Lord is trying to get across it takes discernment from the Lord. The very point of this verse tells us we can’t trust our own judgment about something.

So why can’t we trust our own judgments anyway? It could be because of our limited understanding and often our bias opinions, prejudices and the list goes on. It is hard to separate ourselves from our judgments sometimes. Just yesterday on the national news, they were talking about the Supreme Court of the United States. They were trying to make a decision regarding a ruling the President of the United States made on immigration. The news analyst said that the decision was being made along political party lines. Well, I was under the impression that the court system was to make rulings according to the law, and not who filled their pockets the most! The Supreme Court or any court should not make decisions regarding bias party affiliation so they can get reelected. It should always be about justice. Our congress and president can be very bias in how they select a judge. President Obama nominated a person that was said to be a moderate and that a majority of Republican congressmen had approved him earlier, but now with the election of a new president close, congress said they would not even consider any nomination President Obama would bring to them. This in itself tells us that they are not interested in a person of integrity and wisdom concerning the law, but rather someone that will make decision according to the way their political party wants. If this is how our most honored leaders of such a great nation as the United States handle discernment of what is right and wrong, what hope can the average person have? Well, this is the very reason why we need God’s discernment in how we know what is right and wrong, and how we should govern our lives let alone relate to God. After all doesn’t today’s verse tell us that, “There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death?” It is obvious it will not be through the United States Supreme court or, or any human institution!

James 1:5 tells us that, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” God wants us to have the wisdom, knowledge and insight, so that we can have a successful, happy, blessed life. He is not trying to keep things from us as Satan suggested to Adam and Eve in the garden. (Gen 3:5) The only reason we don’t have the wisdom, knowledge and insight we need is because we don’t ask! (James 4:2) And it is because God has chosen to respect our free will he has given us, he does not force it on us.

We muddle through our life making bad decision, because we want to be god of our life. We want to be able to say as Sammy Davis Jr. used to sing, “I did it my way!” If we really wanted God’s input, we would ask him. It is just that simple and easy! It is so easy a child can do it, but we don’t teach them that either. Instead we encourage them that they can do it just like we can’t. Yesterday, I lost a piece of paper that was about four inches square. I always keep it on my desk, so it had to be somewhere close to the desk! Right? I looked all over the place and couldn’t find it. Finally I asked the Lord where it was, and the told me it was under some books I had laying on the floor. I went over and lifted the books and there it was. God knew all along where it was, and was just waiting for me to ask him. God is so good and patient with me, because I can be so really stupid at times. Really I can! Just ask Beckie! Anyway I asked him about this verse and he told me that self-righteousness leads to death. Everyone thinks that self-righteousness leads to life, but God is telling us that this is not the case.

First let me point out that there is a difference between righteousness and self-righteousness. Righteousness is that aspect of being right morally, justifiably, uprightness conduct and the like. A righteous judge on the Supreme Court would not base their decisions regarding political affiliation, but on the law. Righteousness in a spiritual context takes us to God’s own perfection in his very attributes, attitudes, behavior and word. Self-righteousness is our attempt to make ourself like God. Of course this is what Satan tried to do and failed due to his pride.

Our self-righteous attempt ends the same way in sin. It seems right and that God should be pleased with us, but when we do what is right we are only doing what we should have been doing all along anyway. Do we get our of our car and praise it for getting us to the store? Isaiah 64:6 tells us that our righteousness is but filthy rags. All our good works and righteous attempts are good and right, but they can never give us life. In fact if we trust in them to get us into heaven verse 12 will surely come to pass for us. Those self-righteous attempts will only lead to death and eternity in hell.

We are saved from hell and for heaven by one means only, and that is through faith in the grace of Jesus’ atonement on Calvary's cross! Only the righteousness of Jesus for us and in us is acceptable to God the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus for the remission of sins and eternal life with them in heaven. So even though our good works and attempts to be righteous may seem to be right, in the end they only lead to death, just like Proverbs 14:12 tells us.

What will you choose today? Will you continue to trust in your efforts to be righteous, or will you solely rely on the blood of Jesus to give your forgiveness and eternal life. It is so easy a child can do it! You can do it too, if your want.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we rejoice that our forgiveness and eternal life with you solely depends on what you did for us. If it was us up to us, we would mess it up like we tend to do everything else. Thank you so much for sharing your righteousness with us. We love you Jesus!

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