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Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Solomon was supposedly the wisest man that ever lived, but no one can know or understand all that God has done, let alone the completeness of his being. We can’t even comprehend what he looks like as simple as that is. God is a mystery, and in many ways he intends to keep it that way.

I Cor 13:12 says, “Now we see but a poor reflection; then we shall see face to face.” Until we go to be with the Lord, we will have to be satisfied to look at God with the help of the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that we have the wisdom to interpret the knowledge given to us through his prophets and creation about God.

I like to watch National Geographic, Discovery and NASA on TV. I find it truly amazing to see how wonderful creation is from the mystery of dark matter to the brightness of some of the suns in the universe that make our sun look like a grain of sand. It is amazing how scientists have discovered that everything is made up of atoms and they even know about their makeup. Our space telescopes like Hubble and space probes are beginning to reach new depths of our universe that we have never seen before. I am taken in by the beauty of the earth from space, and the unbelievable beauty of the Nebula's across our galaxy. With each passing day more and more information is coming back from our space probes that answers questions, but also brings many more questions yet to be answered. It truly fascinates me and I can’t seem to get enough, but does it change my relationship with God? Not any more than it did when I learned that my father had to work for a living, so we could have food on the table and a roof over our heads. He was and always will be my dad, and God will still be my God. My relationship with my dad was not based on knowledge about him, but a relationship with him. The same is true about God. I could understand everything there is to know about God, and it would not change my relationship with him. When I come to him in prayer I don’t have to know what he looks like, I know him. I don’t need to understand how he created all things, I just know he loves me.

In some ways Solomon wasn’t any different than a lot of people today that think that they are so smart. They think that if they can understand God they will have arrived at his level. They think that they will no longer need to look up to God, because they have looked at God. How arrogant humanity is to think that we can rise up to the level of God. I don’t think we will ever make a space probe that will look into the eye of God. The best we can do is to look into his heart, and that came at the foot of the cross!

In Europe there is something amazing that has been built called the Hadron Collider. It cost around 9 billion dollars to build. It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) between 1998 and 2008. It took over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries. It is 17 miles in circumference and 574 feet beneath France and Switzerland border near Geneva, Switzerland. It is a particle accelerator that is intended to answer some of the fundamental questions in physics among elementary objects. It is interesting in their crashing particles together that they have come up with what they call the god particle that they feel is the essence of creation. I personally find it interesting that many of these very intelligent men who have denied that there is a God have named the findings of their work after spending billions of dollars, “The God Particle”. I personally would have been more than happy to have saved them billions of dollars and a huge amount of work by telling them God is and has always been at the essence of all creation! I probably wouldn’t have even charged them over a million or so. Ha!

If you do have some time you might google Laminin. It is a cell-adhesion molecule that literally holds together every living organism on earth. It is shaped like a cross. Colossians 1:15-17 says of Jesus, “He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Solomon and multitudes of other very smart people have frustrated themselves by trying to understand God, when knowing God was what really mattered. God never meant our relationship with him to be a matter of the mind, but rather a matter of the heart. Are you frustrated in you attempt to know God? Matthew 18:3 tells us Jesus said, “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” In other words Jesus was simply telling us to just get up in daddy's lap and love and enjoy him. It’s not about figuring him out, but simply loving him and letting him love us! How much more simple can a real relationship get? It doesn’t take a scientist at the Hadron collider to figure it out!

Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus for making our relationship with you so simple that a child can have it. We love you Lord! Please help us to love and enjoy you more every moment of our existence. We ask this in Jesus name!

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