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Ezekiel 22:30 I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.

But Lord you have Jeremiah and Ezekiel, weren’t they your faithful prophets? Didn’t they risk their lives in telling your message to the Jews to repent of their idol worship even risking their lives? Couldn’t they stand in the gap for you? As faithful and loyal as both of these men were and I am sure that there were others like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, none of them were without sin and holy as God is holy. Only God had the qualifications that were needed to stand in the gap between sin and holiness to appease the wrath of God. God could have searched the world over and still never found a person that was needed. Even Job as righteous as he was, was not without sin. He struggled with self-righteousness as well as the same carnal nature that everyone inherited from Adam and Eve. Only God incarnate could stand in the gap between sin and the holiness of God to avert the wrath of God. This is why God sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to fill the gap for us. He took his position suspended on a wooden cross between the holiness of heaven and the sinfulness of earth and fill the gap. Only from this terrible but most wonderful position, could atonement come. It would be on that cross that God would find satisfaction and justification for forgiving all humanity of their sins. And it would be through Jesus’ great act of passion for us that II Samuel 14:14 could come to pass reconciling us with God. Because it was never God’s desire to take away life; instead, he devised a way through Jesus so that the sinful banished person would not have to remain estranged from him.

God so loved us that he send his only begotten Son to die for us on Calvary’s cross. That whosoever would trust in him should not have to spend eternity in hell, but have eternal life with God in heaven. Jesus could have come with pointed finger to condemn the world but he didn’t. He came with his arms stretched as far as they could be to embrace all that would come to him. For as many as would come to him he would receive to himself. Jesus came as a gap filler for God and for man. Jesus paid the price he didn’t owe, because we couldn’t pay the debt we couldn’t pay. Our sins were placed on him, and his holiness was placed within us.

What a wonderful thing God has done for us through Jesus! Infact it all began before creation. God wanted a loving intimate relationship with us, but he realized that it could only come with a person having a free will to be able to reject him. This meant that before Adam was ever created, God committed himself to a plan of redemption by means of the cross. It would cost God a great deal to give us a free will not only from the standpoint of his being hurt because of our sinfulness, but also by the great sacrifice it would take to stand in the gap to bring forgiveness and reconciliation. In God’s heart it must have been worth it, because God ended up having to go all the way to be suspended in the great gap between the sinfulness of earth and the holiness of heaven on Calvary’s cross. His death brought us life, and his resurrection gave us an undeniable hope in his wonderful abundant grace. It is a grace that has no limits. Where sin abounds, the grace through faith in Jesus Christ abounds even more. The gates of hell that once held us captive, Jesus swung wide open for all to walk out of.

Jesus now sits at the right hand of God the Heavenly Father interceding for us. And because of this the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit see only the love of Jesus expressed by his blood covering us. Jesus filled the gap between the sinner and the saint to the point that God will never bring up our sinfulness ever again. Because of Jesus we have been able to fulfill God’s command of be holy as I am holy.

What a wonderful God and Savior we have in our gap filler, Jesus Christ our beloved! If you have never asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart I encourage you to do it right now. A minute from now might be too late. Oh, I am not saying that you will die if your do not, but a minute from now your heart may turn so cold towards God as to never want to be a Christian again. Won’t you go and become a Christian?

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for loving us so much as to come and make it possible for us to be forgiven and reconciled us to yourself , the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. We love you Jesus! We love you Heavenly Father! We love you Holy Spirit!

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