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Daniel 6:23b And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.

Daniel had not only survived the rule of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, but now had great power in the Mede and Persian empire ruled by King Darius. It certainly had to be a great testimony as to what God can do through someone who trusts in him. Daniel was an exile from a conquered nation that many of his day looked down on. It made no sense that any of the kings would choose someone that was not from their own country to have such power and responsibility. Most people would be afraid that their conquered enemy would want only to cause trouble for the people that conquered them. I believe that not only did Daniel display supernatural wisdom, but he also displayed great honor and loyalty to the kings he served. Daniel accepted the punishment that the Lord had brought on Israel, and in doing this he served the kings as he would the Lord. Every day Daniel was a living testimony to his captors the reality and love he had for Lord his God.

Because King Darius wanted to make Daniel more powerful than all the other administrators, they sought to find a way to get rid of him. They chose to do it through Daniel’s uncompromising love and loyalty to the Lord. They influenced King Darius into making a law that would put to death anyone that would worshiped any god or man except King Darius for thirty days. Once they got King Darius to sign the law, they began to spy on Daniel to catch him praying to the Lord. It wasn’t difficult, because Daniel purposely opened the windows of his house and prayer openly to the Lord. Once they saw this they quickly reported it to the king. Even though King Darius wanted to save Daniel's life, his accusers pressured the king to have Daniel thrown into the lion's den. King Darius loved Daniel so much that he did not sleep all night fearing for Daniel’s life. The next morning when the sun came up the King hurried to see if the Lord had protected Daniel. Daniel told the king that the Lord had sent an angel to protect him and he was safe. Because of this the king had all of Daniel’s accusers and their families thrown to the lions.

Even in the face of certain death like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Daniel trusted in the Lord, and the Lord didn’t abandon them.

So how can we come to the point in our relationship with the Lord that we can have such great trust in the Lord? I believe that it came down to their personal relationship that they had formed over their lifetime. Remember what got Daniel into trouble? He never gave up praying to the Lord three times a day. Even when his life was threatened, his love and loyalty for the Lord did not waver. He couldn’t give up praying to the Lord anymore than he could make himself stop breathing. You see his intimacy with the Lord was not a mind thing, but a heart thing. Daniel’s daily fellowship had become a love affair. Daniel being one of the most important people in the largest empire of his day was just a job.

What is the most important thing in your life? What do you spend your time thinking about and desiring to do? Who is it that you passionately yearn to be with? What is it that brings you the greatest joy in you life? What is the one thing that you would least want to give up?

If any or all of the questions are not Jesus then you are only looking for temporal blessings. Christians are the Bride of Christ Jesus. We will be with him and have an intimate relationship for all eternity. Jesus purchased us from ourselves at the price of his precious blood and life. Jesus didn’t purchase us from Satan. Satan didn’t create us or own us. John 1:3 tells us that Jesus created not only us but all things. Yet because of our free will, we needed to willingly give ourselves to him.

Almost every divorce is caused by the husband and wife no longer spending time together. They stop talking and putting each other before themselves. Where once all they thought about was each other and spending time together, something came between them. Has something come between you and Jesus? Maybe you were never intimate or even close. Maybe your relationship was simply a religious thing in hopes you didn’t have to go to hell and be punished for all eternity. Maybe it was simply a matter of being accepted and well thought of. What ever kept you from an intimate loving relationship with Jesus it doesn’t have to stay like that. It is all a matter of want to. Jesus certainly won’t keep you away from him. Start talking to Jesus three times a day, and when you finish be sure and tell him that you love him. Practice his presence in your day. Talk to him as you would your best friend, and don’t forget to thank and praise him. It doesn’t have to be supernatural things. If you are grateful then thank him.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help us to love and appreciate Jesus as we should. Please help us have a personal intimate relationship with you, Jesus and the Heavenly Father. We love you Lord and ask this in Jesus name.

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