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Joel 2:28,29 And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

The Day of the Lord has come, is here and will come again. In some ways this event is much like Jesus himself. Revelation 1:8 says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” The Day of the Lord came at Jesus’ birth, it continues under his authority, and it will come again at his return at the end of the seven years of tribulation. With the Day of the Lord many things happened, are happening and will happen. Because of Jesus’ great victory of obedience to God the Heavenly Father, he overcame sin and the consequences of it, all of humanity past, present and future has the opportunity for forgiveness and reconciliation with God. While our forgiveness brought us grace and mercy from God, it also brought justification for God that his righteousness would not be compromised. Jesus’ sacrifice of himself had an effect in heaven , on earth and even in the abode of the dead.

In heaven God is still not only seen as righteous, but his mercy and grace abounds greater that what even God’s holy angels could imagine. Because of Jesus where sin abounds God’s grace abounds even more. No amount or gravidity of sin can keep anyone bound in separation from God any longer. Where sin brought separation and bondage, Jesus brought reconciliation and freedom. In the abode of the dead (I Peter 4:6) it says, “For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regards to the body, but alive according to God in regards to the spirit. Jesus in his justice went to the abode of the dead (Luke 16:19-31) to tell them about his atonement on Calvary’s cross, so if they wanted they too could find forgiveness and be with him for eternity in heaven. The gates of hell and the grave could not hold them captive any longer. No longer is there the threat of hell for anyone who would want to choose forgiveness through Jesus. Because of Jesus hell would never be the same!

Here on earth, right now Jesus’ atonement has brought a change. Jesus has given Christians his authority over Satan and the powers of darkness. Jesus called this the keys of the kingdom. In Matthew 16:19 it says, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phil 2:10) Now when Satan and the powers of darkness attack us we can command them to go to the pit and never come out again in the name of Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God and they have to go and stay there. Satan will send different demons to attack us, but those we bound can never come out of hell again. We are not being cruel, because they will be going there anyway. They have condemned themselves there by their rebellion from God. We can also lose God’s help for all our needs. The Bible even tells us that we have not because we don’t ask. (James 4:2) Jesus’ victory also changed things here on earth now by sending the Holy Spirit to come and help all Christians. He comes to transform us in ever increasing waves of Christ-likeness. He sets us free of our carnal nature, empowers us to serve Jesus and help his Bride to be all we can be for him.

The Day of the Lord will have an effect on earth in the future. In order to finish the transgression and punishment for the Jews, we see in Daniel 9:24 seven years of great tribulation like the earth has never seen before. The antichrist, false prophet along with his army will attack Israel at the end of those seven years. When they do this Jesus will return to earth in power with his resurrected church and destroy the antichrist’s army and send the antichrist and false prophet into hell where they will be tormented for all eternity. The Day of the Lord will continue for 1,000 years on earth where he and the resurrected church will rule. Following this Satan who has been bound for the 1,000 years will be set free to deceive the world into coming against Jesus one last time. He will be then cast into hell for all eternity with the antichrist and false prophet, and then Great White Throne Judgment will take place. All who seek forgiveness in Jesus will be with him for all eternity. For those who will not, they will go to spend eternity in hell. Then God destroys the old earth with its atmosphere, and he creates a new earth and atmosphere where he and those that love and trust in him will be together for all eternity.

Today we are living in exciting times as we experience the Lord’s presence first hand, and we also have the hope and expectation of being part of his return to earth in glory. Are you living in this expectation? If you are a Christian you really should be. It will be a time like the earth has never seen before. It will literally be heaven on earth.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help us to catch the vision of Jesus return. Please help us to prepare for it, and not be deceived by Satan, the powers of darkness, the antichrist or false prophet. We thank you Holy Spirit, and love you. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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