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Zechariah 3:8,9 ‘Listen, O high priest Joshua and your associates seated before you, who are men symbolic of things to come: I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘ and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.’

God has made his prophecy regarding Jesus so detailed and hard to be fulfilled that it makes an unmistakable affirmation to the truth of Jesus’ fulfillment of his Messiahship,and mission to atone for the sins of the world. Through many different prophets and at different time periods God has set forth specific things that point to the Messiah for both his first coming and his return. God wants us to have faith and hope not based on just wishful thinking, but facts that are worthy of trusting not only in this life on but for all eternity.

Today's scripture verse given by Zechariah points to Joshua and his associates as symbolic of Caiaphas the high priest and the sanhedrin. (Matt 26:57-68) Jesus was the Branch, the stone that was set in front of them. (Eph 2:20) Through Jesus would come life and apart from the Branch there is not no life. (Jn 14:6) He is the stone that everything is built upon and compared to. (Matt 7:24-27) The sevenfold Spirit of God testifies throughout the world that Jesus is God. Where Joshua the high priest and his associates were to verify the fulfillment of the Promised One, (Zec 3:8-9) Caiaphas and the sanhedrin only wanted to discredit him. (Matt 26:57-68) They certainly didn’t want to be part of verifying Jesus as the Messiah, but found themselves doing this very thing. (Matt 27:51-53) Just as Caiaphas and the sanhedrin tried to stop God’s appointed times for Jesus, so will the antichrist and the false prophet try to stop God’s appointed times for Jesus return. (Dan 7:25) Just as Caiaphas and the sanhedrin couldn’t prevent the removal of sin in a single day, the antichrist and false prophet will not be able to prevent the return of Jesus to set the earth free of its wickedness and to bind Satan and the powers of darkness from deceiving the earth tempting people to rebel from God. (Rev 19:19-21) And just as in their disobedience and rejection of Jesus scattered the Jews throughout the world, their acceptance will bring them back to their Promised Land again. (Deut 30:1-5)

Just a Jesus came humbly on the colt of a donkey with grace and mercy, (Jn 12:12-15) when he return he will come on a might white horse with the armies of heaven. He will bring justice as he judges and his robe will be dipped in blood. His name is the Word of God, and he will rule with an iron scepter. On his thigh is written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All the opposition of the earth and of the powers of darkness will not be able to stop him. (Rev 19:11-16)

Just as Jesus set the prisoner free from the waterless pit (Lk 16:19-31 &

I Peter 4:4) , Jesus will set all people on earth free of the curse from Adam and Eve and the hold of Satan and the powers of darkness in their lives. (Matt 18:18) He will be a mighty fortress for them and no harm will come to them. At his return with a flash like lightning and the trumpet call of God he will step upon the Mount of Olives and it will split from the east to the west. Part of the mount going north and the other south. (Zec 14:4) He will set his rule as a tent peg deep and unmoveable, with his battle bow that will bring all rulers to their knees. (Rev19:17-20) The house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will look on the one that they pierced and they will mourn for his as one mourns for an only child. All his holy ones will be with him and sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. (Zec 9:16)

Jesus will be king over the whole earth, and on that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name. Survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacles. If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain. Jesus will rule for 1,000 years the entire earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. At the end of that 1,000 years, Satan will be set free to deceive the world and lead the earth in rebellion against Jesus. At that time he will conquer them with fire coming down from heaven to suddenly destroy the earth. (Zep 1:18b & Zep 3:8b) Then there be a Great White Throne Judgment for all that have ever been created. (Rev 20:11-14)

Following this God will create a new heaven (Atmosphere) and a new earth where he al all that love him will be together for all eternity. (Rev 21:1) This will happen just as God made his other prophecy happen. Caiaphas, the sanhedrin, the antichrist, the false prophet and Satan, the other fallen angels and all that is evil will not be able to stop the Lord. The Lord is Almighty God and there is no other. If you have chosen Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, you have chosen wisely. There is nothing that anyone can do to take you away from Jesus. (Rom 8:37-39) If we stay true to Jesus, he will surely bring us to our eternal salvation with him both now and forever!

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your prophecy and fulfillment of it. Please help us to stay true to Jesus. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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