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Matthew 2:3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed and all Jerusalem with him.

So what was the problem? Well, the problem was they were the last to know from God that God had sent his Son the long awaited Messiah into the world. He was the promised one that God had told Abraham would come through him to bless the earth. And it wasn’t the King of Israel who knew about it first, not even the chief priests, Pharisees or the teachers of the law, it was three wise guys from a country that they hated. In fact they hated every country but their own and sometimes that was debatable.

This newborn king was about to upset the applecart so to speak. King Herod certainly didn’t want any competition for him or his descendants. Rome wouldn’t have liked the idea of someone that might grow to start a rebellion against Roman rule in Israel. The chief priests would have someone that would out rank them in authority. The Pharisees would have someone that would be more qualified to intercede and make offerings for the people to God. The Sadducees would be upset because he would prove them wrong in his theology. The teachers of the law would have their standard for salvation and reconciliation that God turned upside down by faith in the grace of Jesus’ atonement. The Zealots would have been upset that he was just a child, and they didn’t want to wait to rebell against the Roman occupation. The common people were upset because he was just like them and they should have been the anointed one. (Just like his home town). His family would be upset because he was about to cause them a lot of trouble. Satan and the powers of darkness were upset, because he was about to open the gates of hell and set the prisoners free. The evil of this world was upset because he was about to expose their evil by living a sinless life. Mary, Jesus mother was upset because she knew that a sword would pierce her soul because of him. So probably the only ones really glad to see baby Jesus were the three wise guys that would leave their gifts and cut out of town as fast as they could.

Now you know I am expecting you to show me some grace in what I just said in somewhat a humorous way, but the reality is much of what I said was pretty much right on. And, I didn’t even mention how the holy angels of God must have been confused in how Jesus humbled himself, and certainly how the Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit hated to see how he would be despised, rejected and abused to the point of a cruel death on a cross. It is no wonder that all Jerusalem was disturbed at the thought of God’s promise to Abraham being fulfilled. Surprisingly this would not be the last time something like this would happen. In fact it happens all the time. God is upsetting the apple cart all over the world. The Lord used even me!

When I became a Christian something really remarkable happen to me, and it seemed to affect everyone around me. Some for the good and some what seemed for the bad. I was about twenty-five years old and was into my second year of teaching high school. My wife Beckie and I had recently gotten married and I thought we were living the perfect life. Of course this was my opinion and possibly not hers. At least I thought things were going well. Then one day I came home for lunch and found Beckie crying. She told me that she had went to a Bible Study and it was wonderful. Then as a almost afterthought she added, “And I became a Christian”. Well, like most new loving husbands I told her I was glad and that I thought she already was a Christian. She looked at me and said that this was different. Well, she was right! I didn’t go to church, didn’t know the difference between the Old and New Testaments, and I thought that if you lived in the United States then you must be a Christian. And yes I am serious! As the weeks went by we started going to church, and Beckie became more and more excited about her new relationship with Jesus, and I found I had some new competition. I liked her new found happiness and joy, but I really couldn’t plug into it. She seemed to like going to church a lot more than I did. Then she wanted us to go to Sunday School too. I didn’t like to read in public let alone pray in public. So I figured if you don’t take a Bible you don’t have to read one. This was a good thought until someone so kindly handed me theirs. Things were taking a strange turn for me until I got saved! One night at a revival our church was having God gave me a vision of myself standing before him. Not only couldn’t I believe it , but I hated what I saw. I thought of myself as a pretty decent fellow that tried my best to be a blessing to others, and I even prayed before I went to sleep. Now God was confronting me in the stark reality of my sinfulness. In my frustration and brokenness, God very patiently told me I needed to ask Jesus to forgive me of my sins and to come into my heart. As the vision ended, I found myself looking at the altar, and my heart was burning as if it was on fire. It felt as though a hot knife had just cut it in half. After working past my wife to go to the altar, I poured my heart out to Jesus. That night he not only forgave me of my sins, but he and the Holy Spirit came into my heart and I became born again. Really, born again! Jim Poole was exceedingly different in almost every way. As much a Beckie had changed and become excited for Jesus, I went crazy! I started reading the Bible all the time and couldn’t get enough of it. I was constantly calling my pastor to explain things for me. I was telling my co-teachers about what Jesus had done, was doing and had promised to do for me. I was like one of those plastic wind up duck on steroids! Everyone was talking about me and avoiding me at all costs, and I wasn’t even trying to upset anyone one. If I wasn’t telling someone how excited I was someone was asking me what happened. I am not real sure what Beckie thought about all this, but I loved it and was going full speed ahead! Soon and very soon the persecution began. At first I didn’t understand it, but even worse I couldn’t understand why most people didn’t want Jesus in their heart like I did. The strange thing was people started coming to me wanting to become Christians too. Well, for me this was like being in a candy store! I love helping people give their heart to Jesus and seeing the change in them too! But then something happened that caught me by surprise. Some of the religious folks started becoming uncomfortable around me. I really thought, “Wow, what’s going on?” Then I started having problems that would come up that I didn’t even see as my fault. The powers of darkness it seemed weren't impressed and I had become a target for their harassment. They poured it on. The more they did the tighter I held to Jesus. I really didn’t know what else to do. I had really found something good in Jesus, and I had no intention of letting go of him. One day the powers of darkness decided to show me how small I really was. They brought to me a demon possessed person. Yes, I did say demon possessed person! I know, I couldn’t believe it either, and didn’t appreciate it. The person started throwing a real fit right in front of me just because I said the name of Jesus. The room we were in got clammy cold and I could literally feel the demonic presence. The demon said, Well, what are you going to do now?” My first immediate thought was I got to call my pastor. After all I had only become a Christian a few months earlier. I still hadn’t learned the difference between the Old and New Testaments. But before I could turn around to pick up the phone, the Holy Spirit said just as plain as could be, “Your pastor can’t help you. Only Jesus can help you and set the person free of the demonic possession.” I just turned around and said, “In the name of Jesus of Nazareth come out and go to the pit and never come out again.” Well, the person collapsed right in front of me. I couldn’t believe what I saw, but it was real. The room even seemed warm again. They opened their eyes and told me I should have see it. I told them I didn’t want to hear about it, and they needed to give their heart to Jesus. Well, I looked up and several kids stood outside my window taking it all in. I opened the door and they asked if they were all right. I said yes,but when they tried to set up they fell over and I had to catch them. I had just experienced the power and authority in Jesus first hand, right in front of me. I couldn’t believe it, but it happened just the same. In my many years of ministry the Lord would use me to help many people be set free of oppression as well as possession. The power and authority of Jesus always brought freedom and victory. Strange enough this brought persecution like I never imagined from the religious leaders in my own denomination. Hearing how Jesus set the possessed free really lit a fire underneath my religious leaders. They were more concerned what people might think than giving Jesus glory for what he had done. Making people upset never seemed to lessen. In fact the more passionately in love for Jesus I became the more the powers of darkness seemed to ratchet up their opposition against me. One day after church a poor lady that was under the direction of the powers of darkness stopped me after church to tell me I had to stop praying the way I did. I wasn’t even praying in tongues! She would have really went ballistics if I had done that. Now we need to remember that this really was the demon and not the lady.

It has certainly been an exciting journey serving Jesus. It has been the most wonderful experience I could have ever had. I was a great honor and privilege to serve Jesus. I will say that it was very difficult for my family at times. My attacks often were felt by them as well. I do know that that they always had my back as Jesus did, and they always will. I guess that is the way our family, and the family of God is supposed to be. Praise the Lord!

If you are being attacked for your walk with Jesus count it an honor as difficult as this can seem. Remember if they persecuted Jesus they will us too. If fact if you never have persecution maybe there is a reason for that. You only have Jesus to please. You will never please the world. Jesus made this point in Luke 7:33. When the rock (Jesus) hits calm waters waves will be made. Stay strong in Jesus knowing he will never leave you or forsake you! What you may go through for Jesus, he will more than reward you for in heaven.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help us to stay strong for Jesus. Please help us to glorify Jesus in all we say and do. We ask this in Jesus name.

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