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Matthew 24:24,25 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible. See I have told you ahead of time.

Chapter 24 is an interesting chapter regarding prophecy. It contains three prophecies. The first is regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. The second is about his return to earth, and the third is what the church calls the rapture or the snatching up of the church to heaven.

Because of the importance of this chapter, I would encourage you to google information concerning prophecy concerning Jesus return to earth. This will give you references in scripture you can look up to further your insight regarding what the Bible says to look for in his return.

This chapter begins with a prophecy by Jesus concerning an event that would take place in 70 A.D.. Just 37 years following Jesus’ crucifixion, there would be a Jewish rebellion against Rome that would lead to Rome coming and killing thousands of Jews, and completely destroying the temple even to the point of pushing the stones of the temple off of the temple mount. If you go to visit the Western Wall of the Temple mount you can still see the stones at the bottom of the wall just as Jesus prophesied.

As Jesus was correct in his prophecy regarding Jerusalem and the temple, so will his prophecy concerning the events of the end of the age.

Starting with verse 4 Jesus begins to answer the question that his disciples asked regarding his return and the end of the age. The end of the age is not the destruction of the earth. We see that following Jesus’ 1,000 year rule on earth and the White Throne Judgment then comes the destruction of the earth by fire as described in II Peter 3:10.

I believe that the end of the age takes us from Pentecost to Jesus 1,000 year rule on earth with his angels and his Bride. The reason for this is Jesus’ comment regarding the many that will come claiming to be the Christ. Granted about half way through the 7 years of tribulation there will come on the scene a person that will claim that he can solve the world's problems, but there have been many who have claimed the same. The difference between all the other false Christs or Messiahs is the last one. He will come on the scene about 3 ½ years of the tribulation and he will be antichrist. This person will not only be political, but carry a spiritual resentment for Jesus and his followers. For this reason I personally believe that it is very likely that the antichrist will be Muslim, and lead what we remember as the old Ottoman Empire or Arab countries. This antichrist will have the ability to deceive people with the help of Satan and the powers of darkness. (Rev 13:4)

Since Pentecost there have been many false Messiah’s, and at times great persecution of Christians sometimes even within the church itself. There has been many wars and rumors of wars. There has been many earthquakes and famines, but as Jesus said these are only the beginnings of the birth pains. Birth pains begin gradually and increasingly become worse in intensity. So will it be before Jesus return to earth. As we continue to read in this chapter and the book of Revelation we see that the calamities of earth will increase greatly. The distress will become worse than what the earth has ever seen. Verse 22 says, “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. God will bring the entire earth down to it’s knees. God will come against all who continue to sin against him. Things will be so bad that people will hid in caves and want rocks to fall on them. What is sad is they still will not repent of their wicked ways. (Rev 6:16 & 9:20,21)

Through the years many Christians have been persecuted and put to death. Even as late as 1915-1920 1.5 million Armenian Christians were killed and many more were forcefully removed from Turkey. Since then many more Christians have given their lives for Jesus. Even at this time ISIS is killing Christians, as well as other Arab countries persecuting them. When the antichrist forms his league of what I believe the old Ottoman Empire the persecution and killing of Christians will be greatly expanded. Because of such great wickedness the love of most Christians will turn cold, but Jesus added for those who stand firm to the end will be saved. Starting with verse 14 we see a narrowing of the time line for Jesus’ return. It says when the gospel of the kingdom is preached to all the nations , then the end will come. This is important because until recently this was considered impossible until satellite communication and the internet. As of now it is not only possible, but the good news of Jesus is being shared with the entire world.

The next great sign we need to be looking for is the rebuilding of the Jewish temple on the holy mount in Jerusalem. Until this is built the antichrist can not stand in the holy place, and bring the abomination that causes desolation that was prophesied by Daniel. As we look to the Book of Revelation and Daniel this should happen about halfway through the 7 years of tribulation. (Daniel 9:27) Once this happens the antichrist will begin a campaign within the Palestinian area of the west bank of Judea. Verse 20 is our next point of interest, because Jesus tell the Jews in Judea to pray. They need to pray that it will not take place in the winter or on the Sabbath. The reason why I think that is important is that if things could not be changed, Jesus would not have said to pray to avoid it. In Luke 21:36 he also says to pray that you can avoid or escape all that will happen before his return. The antichrist will try to change the set times, he will not be able to do it. (Daniel 7:25) According to Jesus Christians will be able to escape it if we only ask Jesus for help! Jesus is so good to us! Surprisingly the antichrist and false prophet will be able to deceive many with great signs and miracles. They will even call down fire from heaven. (Rev 13:13) This will cause many to trust in him as a spiritual leader and possibly think that he might be Jesus. This is why Jesus warned us not to go looking in the desert or inner rooms for him. (This may have been the reason why Thomas wouldn’t believe in the resurrected Jesus until he saw him for himself) Jesus said he will come back as lightning flashing. It will be suddenly and as we read in Acts 1:11 he will return as he left. Zechariah 14 tells all about it. In it he also says that he will stand on the Mount of Olives and it will split from the east to the west. Part of the mount will go north and part going south. When this happens his angles and the resurrected church will return with him. (Rev 19:11-21)

Starting with verse 32 Jesus adds a almost P.S. to his teaching on his return. He gives a bit of a hint to a important event that will lead up to the seven years of tribulation. He says that when the fig tree becomes tinder the time is near,right at the door. And that this generation will certainly not pass away until all that he has told will happen.

A common thinking on this is the rebirth of the nation of Israel. In 1948 Israel fulfilled the question of Isaiah. (Isa 66:7) He asked if a nation could come about in a moment. It did with the signing of a document. So if we assume that someone could live to be 115 that would come to 2063 or as long as a person was still alive that was born in 1948. So although that sounds like a long time from now, it is certainly possible for most of you that are reading this to see Jesus coming in the clouds just as he said. I was born in 1947, but maybe I can still squeak it out! Ha!

What is important is that we are watching and ready, and we need to be praying just like Jesus told us. I pray he will keep his church, my loved ones and myself safe from the antichrist, false prophet and tribulations. I have for years. I believe Jesus, and I don’t intend on stop praying now! How about you?

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for you insight. Please help us to not be deceived, and allow our hearts to grow cold. Please keep us from the antichrist, false prophet and the tribulation. We ask this in you holy name.

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