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John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

For me these are some of the most important verses in the Bible. They point directly to the trinity of the Godhead. While we have one God, God is made up of three distinct and separate infinite beings. We call them the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ his only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit. We have evidence of them all at one time at Jesus’ baptism. This concept helps us to understand and relate to him. It is also important that we see that Jesus is divine. From the beginning Jesus existed, and was as much God as the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. It was through Jesus that all things were created including the universe. In Hebrews 1:3 it says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Jesus has not just been given the status of having the name God, but his is God in all of God’s attributes and characteristics.

Why this is so important to me? It is because of the implications that it has on the forgiveness of sins, the salvation offered to all past, present and future humanity, and the assurance that all this brings for those who trust in Jesus. If Jesus was anything less than God, he could not have become the perfect sacrifice for all humanity. It takes a glass completely empty to hold a glass that is completely full. Salvation and reconciliation with God required a perfect sinless infinite God to bring it all about. One sin would have disqualified Jesus. Yet even though he was tempted by Satan, the powers of darkness, the evil of this world and was tempted in every way he never sinned once. He lived the life that God intended for us all to live. Jesus was the Lamb of God that was out blemish or flaw that became God’s perfect sacrifice for us. Jesus paid the price that he didn’t owe, because we owed a price we couldn’t pay. No person could have done what Jesus did for us. Even angels without sin in their lives could not have atoned for the sin of all humanity, because they are not infinite in their being. You see that because Jesus in divine, his grace abounds even more than sin can abound. This is why the gates of hell cannot prevail against Jesus. Even though the gates of hell were made by Jesus to fulfill his requirement for justice, his greater passion for reconciliation devised a plan so the banished would not have to remain estranged from him. (II Sam 14:14) This of course meant his own sacrifice, so that God would be justified in forgiving and reconciling us back to him and into his kingdom. The goodness of Jesus unselfish act of mercy and grace was only surpassed by his infinite love for us.

If anyone should ask me why I believe and trust in Jesus, these foundational beliefs are some of my reasons. They are not just words written on paper, but I believe facts engraved in my heart and soul. Satan and the powers of darkness have proven them true in their constant attempt to cause me to reject them. If Jesus is not who God says he is and has not done what he said he did, then why should Satan the powers of darkness or anyone else care what I believe? Why should they become enraged, because I ask Jesus to do a miracle and he does it? Why like with the demon possessed man should the demons beg Jesus not to torture or send it into the Abyss, if Jesus didn't have the authority of God? They wouldn’t!

Jesus has come into the light, so we might know, love and trust in him. He came that the banished because of our sinfulness might not have to remain estranged from him. He came that we might be able to fellowship and be with him for all eternity. Jesus came that we might have victory over sin, wickedness, evil, death and the grave. Jesus is so wonderfully good, and there is nothing evil or bad in him. Jesus is the perfect God and Savior! While Satan, the powers of darkness have hardened their heart towards Jesus and ever repenting of their sinfulness, you don’t have to be this way today. We have good reason to believe and trust in Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. Won’t you take time right now to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart! A minute from now might be too late! You may never feel like doing it again.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into the light, so we might know and love you. Thank you for forgiving us of our sins and coming into our heart. We love you Jesus!

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