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John 6:66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

Jesus had just crossed over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. He had fed the 5,000 there, and now a the people were wanting more. In response, Jesus told them to seek food that brings eternal life. Then he added that he would give it them, and God the Father had placed his seal of approval on him. He told them that the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. And then he added that he is that bread. He said that his Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. At this the Jews began to grumble about him because he said, “I came down from heaven.” Jesus then said, “ He is the living bread that came down from heaven. And if a man eats of his bread, he will live forever. And this bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.” On hearing this many of Jesus disciples said that his teaching was too hard to accept, and from that day many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. When Jesus asked if the apostles wanted to leave too, Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that your are the Holy One of God.”

Revelation 13:11-18 tells us something very intriguing. About half way through the seven years of tribulation a man will appear on the world scene that Satan will give power and great authority. He will have power to make war against the saints and to conquer them, and will have authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All the nations of the earth will worship this person. I don’t think they may worship his necessary as God,but rather as the most admired person on earth. He will have a false prophet that will encourage people to do this even to the point of a sign of a sign of allegiance. This mark will be under the pretense of use for buying or selling. No one will be able to buy or sell without it. It will be on a person’s right hand or on their forehead. It also says that it is the name of the beast and is the number of his name. It says that if anyone has insight let him calculate the man’s number and it is 666.

II John 1:7-9 says, “Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teachings of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.” This certainly lines up with John 6:66. Remember it says that many of Jesus’ disciples turned back and no longer followed him. While many have turned from following Jesus and many more are antichrist, there will be one person in particular that will carry the antichrist distinction to the extreme. This person will be the antichrist that is possessed by Satan himself.

In Matthew 24:9-13 it says, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” And in verse 24 it goes on to say, “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible. See I have told you ahead of time.”

The antichrist will be anti Jesus! We can not afford to turn from Jesus! As Peter said, “To whom shall we go?” Only eternal life in heaven with God can come through Jesus. We will find life disappointing and God may not answer our prayers the way we want, but we just can’t turn from him! If we do, God will know in our heart that we do not love him! Denominations, churches, pastors, other brothers and sisters in Christ will let us down, but Jesus will not! It is our calling to please one and that is Jesus. Let’s be determined to be totally committed and in love with Jesus now and through eternity! Amen?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help us not to be deceived or discouraged. Please help us to keep our eyes on Jesus alone, and let him be the passion of our being. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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