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John 13:8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

Have you ever been to a foot washing service? Certainly not every church has one. When I was a pastor I would have one every so often on Good Friday. I never had it every year, because I wanted to keep it special. It can become much like saying the Lord’s prayer in that it can become just another thing we do at church. Sometimes we say the Lord’s prayer so fast at times, we are not even thinking what we are saying!

In the United Methodist Church foot washing is done so seldom that most of the churches I served at had never done it before. It was interesting the different reactions I would get. As a rule very few would do it even with many in attendance. Usually those that did it were mature Christians that loved Jesus, or they were little children. The little children seemed to enjoy it, and the adults did it with hesitation. Maybe it was because as we grow older our feet become less attractive. I hurt my big toe in high school, so I have a big bunion that is very unattractive. It has gotten several glances over the years. Some of the elderly will have arthritis that has misshapen their toes or toenails. Little children seem to care less, infact they seem to like doing it, and having to done to them. For the people of Jesus day it was a common practice of hospitality. Since walking in the dust and dirt of the streets and paths made a persons feet dirty, so it was nice to have them washed. I am sure that it also made the home smell better too. Usually this task was reserved for the slave, servant or the wife, if she was the only one to do it. For Jesus to lower himself to wash feet was no doubt a shock to all the disciples besides Peter. After all Peter had declared Jesus to be the Messiah the Son of God. The Messiah was the promised one that God told Abraham would bless all the earth through him. They all expected to see Jesus lead a revolt against Rome, and rule as a mighty king over the nations of the world. And to have their future king do this humiliating thing almost brought shame to his followers, and certainly his apostles that thought they would have positions of great authority. And if this wasn’t bad enough, no one could accept the idea that the Son of God would ever lower himself to wash feet. I am sure that the apostles were hoping that this would never get out to the public. If it did Jesus might lose all respect from the people. What army has ever taken orders from someone that washes feet?

To their surprise Jesus told Peter that if didn’t let him wash his feet, then Peter couldn’t have any part of him, and this meant his kingdom as well! All Jesus’ apostles had left everything and risk everything to follow Jesus. What were they to do? We have already seen in John 6:66 that many of Jesus’ disciples left him because they would not take holy communion, and Jesus just let them go. I am sure at this point they probably felt that they had come too far to quit over Jesus washing their feet. But Jesus wasn't finished teaching his apostles yet. Now he would demand of them to wash each others feet. Jesus was now expecting them to humble themselves. Even though they were fishermen, even fishermen were not expected to wash other men's feet. I am sure it became even worse when Jesus said, I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” They had signed up to be leaders in Jesus’ kingdom, and now he was asking them to be servants. I am sure that they thought that this act of humiliation would ruin any chance of respect with the very people they were to lead, and besides that it was going against the very self respect of every Jewish man.

Jesus was showing them that they must lead from a position of humility and servanthood. It is hard to imagine how God could love us so much to take on the form of his creation and knowingly receive rejection and hatred from it but he did! It was no little thing to do what Jesus did for us, so we could find forgiveness and reconciliation with God. All that we as Christians do or ever will be starts from a position of humility. Jesus said, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” It wasn’t just Peter’s feet that needed cleaning , but it was his very soul! Until Peter,all the apostles, disciples and everyone else humbles themselves to admit that they are sinners, and only Jesus can reconcile them with God can anyone have a chance to spend eternity in heaven with the Lord.

Have you humbled yourself and asked Jesus to forgive of your sins, and to come into your heart? Until you do you will be eternally doomed to spend eternity in hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. All you have to do is simply ask Jesus and he will. Don’t let your pride keep you from eternity in heaven.

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for humbling yourself to come, and become part of your own creation just so we could find forgiveness and reconciliation with you. We love you Jesus!

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