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Acts 3:8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

One day following Pentecost Peter and John went to the temple to pray. As they were entering the gate called Beautiful or the Eastern Gate, a man who had been crippled from birth asked them for some money. Peter said that they didn’t have silver or gold, but in the name of Jesus of Nazareth rise up and walk. Reaching out to the man Peter helped the man up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. The man jumped to his feet and began walking, leaping and praising the Lord. Well, as you can imagine people began to come see what was going on, and Peter explained that the man was healed by faith in the name of Jesus. Then Peter began to share with them how their leaders had Jesus killed even though Pilate decided to let him go. Then he told of how through Abraham, Moses and other prophets they had told of Jesus coming, but as prophesied he was rejected. When Peter called for their repentance and for them to turn to God, it says that many believed and the number of men grew to about 5,000 Christians. When the priests, captain of the temple guard and Sadducees heard this they took Peter and John to the high priests Annas, Caiaphas and some others to see what to do with them. When warned not to speak any longer in Jesus’ name, Peter responded, “Is it right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God?” Not knowing what to do they released Peter and John.

The early church was really getting an exciting start. People were getting healed, delivered of demons and even being raised from the dead. The apostles and disciples of Jesus were walking in the boldness and confidence of their authority in Jesus. Others were picking up on it and they too were believing in Jesus, and the spiritual authority came just by mentioning his name. With it also came persecution. Jesus warned them that if he would be abused and even killed they would too. And it wouldn’t take long before this would begin as well. But until then the church was excited and people flocking to be part of it.

But problems wouldn’t always be coming from the outside. The church was finding their way in regards to its doctrine. Since many of the early Christians were Jews, many wanted to maintain their Jewish laws and traditions. Divisions came with circumcision and eating meat that had been offered at temples for idol worship. Leadership began to splinter and churches began to focus on individuals rather than Jesus. The laity began to show signs of dominance and control with division and ultimately causing some to abandon the faith. But through it all the church has survived and continued to grow despite Satan, the powers of darkness, the evil of this world and even the church itself.

I believe the reason for this is the same reason as what happened in the gate Beautiful with Peter, John and the crippled man. Jesus is still being manifested in the lives of people down through the ages all over the world. There have been times of great persecution and it will continue until he returns. But at the name of Jesus still every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord at the Great White Throne Judgment. Until then we will continue to keep our eyes on Jesus.

The Eastern Gate or the Beautiful Gate will once again see the King of Glory pass through it. (Ezekiel 43:1-5) Once again healing, deliverance and salvation will enter the temple. At Jesus’ return every eye will behold him, and in him all hope will find fulfillment. No longer will the frustrations of this earth pull us down. Once again Emmanuel - God with us, will influence and bless planet earth.

Until then Jesus has not left us as orphans. His name still carries his authority and power as with Peter and John. Jesus has told us that whatever we ask in his name we will receive. There is not a day that goes by that I do not call on the Lord for something. Just a few minutes ago I couldn’t find my cell phone charger. I looked in all the usual places that it might be. Finally I just asked Jesus where is was and help me find it, and within minutes I thought about a drawer in the kitchen. I had left it there after charging my drone. Now you might say, “You would have found it sooner or later. That’s not a miracle!” Well, I hadn’t found it until I prayed! James 4:2 tells us that, “We have not because we ask not.” I don’t about you, but I am going to keep asking. I love it when he does things for me. I am not trying to prove anything. I just appreciate his love and help for me. If he wants to move mountains for me , I say, “Move them and thank you Jesus.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for healing the cripple at the Beautiful Eastern Gate. And thank you for all the times you have answered prayers for me and all my other brothers and sisters in you. We love you Jesus!

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