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Romans 2:28,29 A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise is not from men, but from God.

We first see circumcision in Genesis 17:1-14. God made a covenant with Abraham that if Abraham would walk before him and be blameless, that God in return would greatly increase his numbers. He said that nations and kings would come from him, and he would establish an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants. The act of circumcision on his male descendants would be a sign of this covenant, and to be done on the eighth day after his birth. It was so important that God said if it was not done that person should be cut off from his people. Circumcision among the Jews would be on and off as their relationship with God would slip between worshiping him and idols. We see this even with Moses’ son who was uncircumcised. He had to be circumcised by Moses’ wife, or God was going to kill him. We see it was neglected by the Jews as they wandered in the desert for forty years, and the men had to be circumcised before entering into the Promised Land. In some ways their rebellion to not follow God into the Promised Land was a reflection of their uncircumcision.

In today’s passage the Apostle Paul usages circumcision as a sign of how the Jews perceived the law of God and their relationship with him. It had become for them an outward sign of obedience for acceptance with God. For them it had little to do with a reflection on a personal relationship with God. In other words like Paul said, it was just a matter of so much flesh cut off, and not a heart felt love and appreciation with and for the Lord God. Paul was making the point for even the Jew there needed to be more to circumcision and their relationship with God than a sacrifice of pain. There needed to be a sacrifice of love and devotion.

For the man or boy it was to be a sign for them that every time they would urinate, they would see themselves as circumcised and remind them of God’s promise to them through Abraham and their promise to follow and obey God. In some ways it was like a wedding ring. It was a symbol of a promise made and a promise given. But even like the wedding ring sometimes even that can be ignored and taken for granted. Sad to say it then only becomes just a piece of jewelry. For the Jew it needed to be done on the eighth day following the birth of the baby boy. A sharp fingernail, rock or knife was used to cut off the foreskin of the boy’s penius. It was done early so that as the child would grow, he would be constantly aware of his covenant with God and God’s with him. It was be before him as long as he would live. By this hopefully the man would always be faithful to the Lord and live in covenant with him. This would be a sign for man that would later symbolize the greater sign of an eternal covenant with God. With this there would also be bloodshed, pain and an exposure to what was once hidden. It would be God that would expose his love for humanity through his Son. Through the pain, suffering and bloodshed of Jesus on Calvary’s cross would come a sign of God’s covenant with all who would believe and trust in his Son. The cross would point to forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and eternal life.

Many in the Protestant faith do not have a cross with Christ upon it. They say that Jesus is not on the cross, and we should only have a empty cross. I personally have both. I have a large cross with Jesus on it right before me as I do my Biblical studies and work. I never want to forget the great cost Jesus paid, so I could be forgiven and reconciled to him. I pray the day will never come when my heart is not moved to look at it, and think about his great love for me. It is all about the heart just like Paul was saying. Whether it is circumcision of the flesh, or the cross Jesus hung on, it is all about relationship and love.

Paul’s complaint to the Jews was that their covenant had just become a formality of religion. The same thing can happen to Christians. We can go to church every Sunday, give our offerings, and be the smartest in Sunday School, but if we don’t have a personal loving relationship with Jesus, the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, we have a empty shell of pretence. From the beginning with Adam and Eve God desired a personal relationship based on loved and trust.

What is your relationship with Jesus like? If it is long distance and hollow, it can change. All it takes is a little want to. The Holy Spirit will be excited to help if we only ask. The best part about being a Christian is our personal relationship with him. Open your heart today to him and he will gladly come in.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please come into our heart today. Please help us to know and love you in a personal and intimate way. We ask this in your holy name.

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