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Romans 8:31b If God is for us, who can be against us?

Since there is nothing greater than God, then there is nothing that can come against us and succeed! The only way anything can have victory over our soul or our relationship with Jesus is for us to give up on Jesus. In this life we will have trials and tribulations. We as Christians will get sick and die. We will lose jobs, friends and sometimes we will lose those we love most with their rejection of us due to no fault of our own. Just because we become a Christian doesn’t mean that life will be a rose garden with only happiness and blessings. Satan and the powers of darkness will never give up on trying to get us to give up on Jesus. They will lie to us, and try to deceive us saying that God doesn’t have our best interest in mind for us, they will attack our body, put thoughts in our mind that disgust us and make us feel as though we put them there. They will remind us of every past sin we did, and the many ways that we must have hurt the Lord. We can cast a demon into the pit and three more will come to take their place. We can cast those three into the pit and Satan will send 1,000 more. We can cast them into the pit and he will remind us that he took with him ⅓ of God’s angels with him, and that he will continue to only send more vicious ones against us. And then as the great Christian song writer and singer Carmon once said, “And then I will remind Satan of Jesus and his victory over sin, death and the grave. And most of all Satan himself.” Jesus has won the war! While Satan and the powers of darkness continue to battle us over our love for Jesus, there is one more mighty than all of them put together a one time, and this is the living Son of God Jesus Christ the Savior of the world! That in itself is enough to make even the most lukewarm Christian shout Praise the Lord!

Paul goes on to say in verses 8:37-39, “No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. When Jesus said it was finished on the cross he meant it. All that we would ever need he can now provide. This is why Peter declares in I Peter 2:24 that by his stripes we were healed, and in Isaiah 53:5 that we are healed. By Jesus victory on Calvary’s cross he made possible that we can be healed. We are healed mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually all by that blood of Jesus. Every need that we may have has been met in and through Jesus. Jesus said in John 14:13 that, You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

We are more than conquerors in and through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. This is what we need to remember and how we must respond to all the spiritual attacks in the spiritual realm. So, how do we become victors in the physical realm? The same way. With the keys of Jesus’ kingdom in Matthew 16:19 it says that, “What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Ephesians 6:10-18 reminds us of how we must deal with our enemies.

Satan and the powers of darkness can use people and things against us. They can use our pets to irritate us, weeds that will not seem to die, our roof starting to leak for no good reason, people becoming angry and upset with us for no reason and the list can go on and on. They can and will use everything they can to upset and have us get our eyes off of Jesus. They are masters of deception! They don’t want us to see them as the problem even though they are. This is why they use things instead of coming right out against us. They know that they have no power or authority over even the youngest Christian. The reason of course is the authority and backing that Jesus gives us. They will do everything possible so that we don’t deal with them from the authority and power that Jesus gave us.

What we need to do is simply tell them out loud that we bind them from attacking us, and that they are to go into the pit never come out again. Then we command them to do this in Jesus’ name. The result of this is they have to go to the pit and never come out again. These demons can never bother you, your family or anything again! More can come, but you can send them into the pit as well. In some ways it is like cleaning your house item by item. They won’t like it, but we never asked them for their attacks either!

We can also ask Jesus to lose his angels to help us as well. We can ask that the Lord will touch the person that is so much against us, and to cause within them a desire to be kind to us. In a way it is the same principle as in the Star Wars movie where the old man tells the storm trooper what to say.

The Holy Spirit can move on people and even animals to be kind to us. I once visited someone and they had a mean dog. It would come and try to bite me when ever I would go see them. One day as I saw the dog heading my way I simply asked Jesus to have the dog be nice to me. Rather than try to bite me it just came over and sat at my feet. When the owner answered the door he looked at me, then at the dog and then back at me. Then with a puzzlement on his face asked me, “What got into that dog?” I told him I asked Jesus to make his dog be good and like me. He looked at me like I was crazy, but that dog never attacked me again? Later that man become born a lover of of Jesus. What do you think of that? God will do things like this even with people. If Satan and the powers of darkness can make people hate us, don’t you think God can make them like us and even show us favor? I do because he has done it for me and my family many, many times. And I know that he always will, because I love him and he loves me!

The next time things are not going right ask the Holy Spirit for discernment. If the powers of darkness are involved or even it is the free will of creation, Jesus can handle it all. Remember we have not because we don’t ask Jesus for help.

(James 4:2)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your victory for us on Calvary’s cross. Lord, we need you every hour. We thank you that you are more eager to help us than for us to ask for help. Thank you even in advance for your intervention and help. We love you Jesus, and ask this in your holy name.

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