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II Corinthians 1:24 It is by faith you stand firm.

Life is not always easy, nor is the Christian faith. Satan, the powers of darkness, the evil of this world and even the freedom of creation can wear us down to the point that we sometimes wonder if it is all worth it. In fact most cases of suicide are the result of Satan, and the powers of darkness bringing things against a person, and then encouraging them to kill themselves. They say things like, Where is you Jesus now? You will never overcome this, and life isn’t worth living. You would be better off dead. Death would be easier than going through this for the rest of your life.” They will say and do whatever it takes to rob a person of any hope in Jesus. If they can cause a person to doubt God’s love for them and the hope of eternal life with Jesus, they will have opened a crack in your armor and continue to make it wider and wider, until it is no use at all.

The Apostle Paul and most of the early Christians had terrible persecution. In II Corinthians he tells some of his struggles. He said that he had been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely and been exposed to death again and again. Five times he received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times he was beaten with rods, once he was stoned, three times he was shipwrecked, he spent a night and a day in the open sea. He had been in danger from rivers, bandits, Gentiles and even his own countrymen. He had been in danger in the country and the city. He had labored and went without sleep, known hunger, cold and naked. Paul didn’t have life easy, but neither have you probably. What kept Paul trusting in Jesus and fighting battles day in and day out? It was his hope in Jesus and through him his comfort would overflow. Paul had come to the point that he had made up his mind that he was standing firm on Jesus, and all the promises that come through Jesus. Although he had to trust in them by faith, he was assured by the deposit of the Holy Spirit guaranteeing that God would be faithful in all he promised.

Faith is kind of an unusual thing. It is more than just a belief. Satan and the powers of darkness believe in Jesus, but they still reject him and refuse to repent of their rebellion and sinfulness. Faith is putting into action what we say we believe and hope for. We can believe that our house will not fall if we walk inside it, but until we go in it will never be a blessing to us.

When many of Jesus, disciples had left him, (Jn 6:66) Jesus asked his apostles if they were going to leave him too. Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy one of God.” They had made their mind up to be committed to Jesus no matter what. You may say, “But Peter denied Jesus.” I personally believe that the only reason reason he did was to that he might figure a way to get Jesus free from the Sanhedrin. If he would have been put in jail, he could not have been any help to Jesus nor the other disciples. If Peter hadn’t been committed to Jesus he would have ran instead of striking out with his sword. Peter was not a coward, nor was he not committed to Jesus.

As Jesus points out in Matthew 7:24-27 we need to build on a solid rock and not sinking sand. Jesus alone is the solid rock for our salvation. We will experience many storms and struggles maybe like Paul or many of the others, but as long as we continue to stand firm trusting in Jesus he will get us through. Our hope in him will not be betrayed. He even promises to never leave or forsake us even to the end of time. James 1:6 and Ephesians 4:14 both point out the danger of being tossed back and forth like the waves of the sea with doubt. It is not a sin to experience temptation to turn from Jesus. Satan and the powers of darkness do it to everyone that loves and trusts in Jesus. The problem comes as we listen, believe their lies and follow through turning from Jesus. John Wesley said, “A bird can land on your head, but you don’t have to let him make a nest there.” We don’t have to listen to Satan and the powers of darkness or the lies of the world either. We can command Satan and the powers of darkness to stop talking to us and go to the pit and they will have to do it. More may come, but we can do it to them as well! We don’t have to listen to the world either. We can shut off the TV, radio, put down a book or magazine or stop listening to a person. It is simply a matter of doing it. They do not have power of us, we have power over them!

Have you made up your mind to stand firm on and with Jesus? If not you will surely fall. The Lord will give you courage and even make a way out for you, but you must make up your mind who you will serve! You can not eat at the table of demons and the Lord so to speak. You are either on the Lord’s team or not. Complete loyalty is demanded it you are to stand strong in Jesus. You can stand if you want to, because Jesus is able to make you stand. No weapon or person coming against you can succeed.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help us to stand firm in and with Jesus now and forever more. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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