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Ephesians 2:4,5 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved.

Our salvation is indeed a mystery, but it has been made known to in these last days. By that I mean since Calvary’s cross the kingdom of Jesus has been expanding and touching lives all over the earth down through the generations. Granted not everyone is a lover of Jesus or even a Christian, but the good news of Jesus and his atonement is being spread like no other time in history.

It is interesting that Paul addresses the Ephesians as the faithful in Christ. We know that the Corinthians and Galatians were having trouble keeping their faith sound. They had begun to follow other teachers that stressed following Jewish laws and traditions. This is why see in the book of the Ephesians that Paul reviews the basic doctrines of salvation. Sometimes even today in the Christian faith many do not have a correct understanding of what they believe, and often have an incorrect belief all together! Much of the problem stems from the teaching of personal well being. In some churches a morning message can be very much like any secular counseling session. There are even motivational speakers now that plug in with the church and vice versa. The cross, blood, passion and the resurrection are taking a back seat in many Christian services. And the problem is that many have heard the secular so long that when they do hear a sound doctrinal message they almost seem offended by it.

Paul begins by acknowledging their faithfulness in Christ Jesus. Then he begins to remind them why he see’s them as faithful. He praises the Lord for all the blessings that they have received in the Lord, and with that I am sure that they have been a blessing as well certainly to Paul. Paul points out the great mystery of Jesus salvation that has come by the grace of God expressed in love through Jesus. Grace is that unmerited favor or gift that all are offered through faith in Jesus. This gift while no one can understands why God would care to sacrifice himself so much was planned before the creation of the world. It was meant to be offered to whoever would want forgiveness and reconciliation. God knew that with the free will sooner or later humanity would rebel from his will and sin against him. Because God predestined or wanted everyone to love him and be with him for all eternity, God’s plan of redemption would have to come through him and not those that had sinned against him. Through God’s gift of love the world could once again return to a state of holiness and blamelessness in his sight. The plan that God devised would come at a great price for God. It would come as his Son becoming the sacrifice or propitiation for our sins. It was and still is a mystery for all who seek to understand it. Because of it, God would unite all believers and lovers of Jesus in one great family of God. So in God’s thinking we were not just saved from hell, but saved for heaven and for him. God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in him might have everlasting life. And this life would be in and with God forever. This alone brings eternal hope. Jesus has become our peace breaking down the wall of hostility that sin brought. Now through Jesus and the Holy Spirit we have access to God our creator and lover of our soul.

Paul now calls for the Ephesians to have unity in the body of Christ. While there are many different gifts there is one Lord, Christ Jesus. He encourages a unity in the faith and knowledge of God. In this he calls them to a maturity so that they may have the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. He is also warning them of being tossed back and forth by the waves of deceitful teaching that corrupts infants in their faith in Christ. In this he calls for a Christ-likeness that requires a putting off of the old nature of rebellion from God and a return to the things of the world. He encourages them to have a new attitude and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. And with this he adds, “And don’t grieve the Holy Spirit, but be imitators of Christ. Live a life of love, just as Christ loved and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

I am sure that there were some in the Ephesian church that questioned why Paul might go over all this with them again, but Paul loved them and knew how easy it could be to be turned from sound doctrine. Just this morning one of our grandson’s asked why we were starting to do our morning Bible study with them all over again this year. Beckie reminded them that it is very important to remember the basic truths of our beliefs. A few years ago I asked my banker what she looked for as she checked out my twenty dollar bill. She said that she looked for anything that shouldn’t be there. They had taught her to study the real money so closely that the counterfeit stood out. Jesus said in the last days many will be deceived and turn from him. I believe that the main reason for this is that they don’t have a sound understanding of the true belief if Jesus. To do this it requires study, but also wisdom from God. While this may sound intimidating it is very achievable. When I first became a Christian I didn’t know the difference between the old and new testaments. I do now praise the Lord!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for being so patient with us, and daily helping us to have a sound true doctrine in Jesus so we will not be deceived. Perfect us so we will not be deceived. Thank you Lord. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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