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Colossians 1:26,27 The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

God and his ways are mysterious. How can we or any of his creation know and understand all that there is about him. Even the angels don’t begin to understand all that he has in store for those who love him. From the beginning of creation God had a plan that because of free will in creation there needed a means to redeem the sinful so that they might not remain banished forever. This plan began in the heart of God and was carried out on Calvary’s cross. God himself would atone for the sinfulness of humanity, setting it free to come back to him in right standing. The results of it would be as though nothing ever happened. There would be no need for punishment or reprisal in any way. The prodigal sons and daughters could find a welcome mat at the front door just waiting for them.

For us the mystery is not so much what Jesus did that was the mystery, but rather why.

God created everything with a spoken word. It would have been just as easy to speak it out of existence, and just speak something new into existence. Why go by the passion of the Cross? Maybe it was his passion for us? But we know ourselves better than any other person, and we know we are not worth one drop of Jesus blood or sorrow. The mystery had to be his love. His love for us was the reason for the cross, and not the cross for us to love him.

Love is a mystery! Scripture says that love covers a multitude of sins. It is amazing how a little child can be mistreated, and they will keep coming back to their parents. They will blame themselves before they will blame their parents. God even tells us that while great abilities or gifts from God may make people impressed and astounded,and faith can move mountains, love far outweighs them all. Love reaches out to the lost troubled and draws them to itself. It is tireless in its pursuit to love someone or something. It looks past the worst to see the best.

In Luke 15:11-32 Jesus tells a parable about a prodigal son. A father had two sons that he loved very much. One day the youngest son decided that he wanted to leave home and strike out on his own. So he went to his father and asked for his share of his father’s inheritance. In a way, it is surprising because the inheritance is usually given out once the parents are deceased. But I believed that the son knew that he was greatly loved by his father and wouldn’t be denied. When the father gave him all that he asked for the son went and wasted it on a sinful carefree lifestyle. Soon it was all gone and after failing to make it on his own, he decided to go back to his father in hopes that at the very least he could work for his father as a slave. But to his surprise as he started to walk up to his father’s house, he saw his father running to him. He was not only welcomed back, but welcomed as if he had never done anything wrong. The father didn’t see a rebellious son that had wasted his life's work and in the process had shown him dishonor. The father saw his son whom he loved so very much. In some ways this will be very much like what it will be like for the Jews when Jesus returns to earth. After rejecting and denying his deity for over 2,000 years, they will at last come to their senses, and come to Jesus seeking forgiveness and reconciliation.

Revelation says here will come 144,000 Jews during the 7 years of tribulation that will become evangelists bringing people to Jesus. 12,000 from each tribe of Israel will once again become the servants of God, revealing God to Israel and the world through Jesus. The prodigal will come home and bring multitudes with them. Even though the Jews had wasted the inheritance God gave them of being priests for him to the world, all will be forgotten by God, and the Heavenly Father will run to embrace them once again. What a mystery, and what wonderful love.

When King David told his son Absalom that he could return to Jerusalem, but King David refused to welcome him back or let him come see him. This is not how it will be for anyone that seeks forgiveness and reconciliation through Jesus. God’s mysterious plan of the cross, brings complete forgiveness of all sins now and forever more. God will never bring them up again. When we see God on judgment day we will see only love in the eyes of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father. Granted we will not deserve it, but this is the way it will be just the same. It is no wonder it is not only a mystery, but a glorious hope as well.

We don’t know when we will die, but we know who will be there when we breath our last breath. Jesus said that if he would go to prepare a place for us, then he would come back again and take us to be with him for ever more. This is a true hope that is worth living and dying for. The things of his life are short lived, but the things of the Lord are eternal. If you have never asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart, I encourage you to do it right now. God will always respect your free will. He is just waiting for you to come to him. Won’t you do it right now?

Prayer: Lord Jesus,Heavenly Father, and Holy Spirit, thank you for your wonderful love for us. Please help us to never betray it or you. We love you, and ask this in Jesus’ name.

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