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I Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Paul was worried about Timothy. Paul was having problems with some of the people in Ephesus teaching false doctrines and devoting themselves to myths and endless genealogies. They were causing trouble, so rather going himself he sent Timothy. In a way it was surprising in that Timothy was young at least to be a pastor or leader in the church. Maybe it was Paul’s thinking that because he was young that the church would show him kindness. Paul also knew that because he was young that there could be a good chance that Timothy might fear them and give into their desires. So now Paul is reminding him to stay strong in his doctrine and his life lived. Timothy was considered a son to Paul and an example of Paul’s hard work for the Lord. If Timothy would turn from Paul’s teaching, it would certainly cast a bad light on Paul’s leadership.

Doctrine is our beliefs in the Christian faith. Dogma are the things that make up the doctrine. We have the doctrine of baptism that is an outward sign of an inward spiritual grace that we receive from having faith in the grace of Jesus’ atonement. Our baptism in the cleansing of the body, reflects on the cleansing our soul by the blood of Jesus. So in other words we are baptized because we are saved and not to be saved. If baptism could save us, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross. Dogma for the doctrine of Baptism might be when we can get baptized, how it is done such as if it is done in a river with flowing water, a pond or in a church with water being sprinkled, poured or immersed. Just as the Jews and early church became legalistic in how things were done, sometimes the entire intention to why it was done got lost. Even today often more attention is given to the little aspects of dogma than the larger purpose of the doctrine. Doing this can very easily lead to turning from faith in God’s grace, to if and how we go about crossing all T’s and dotting all the i’s. At times it can become so bad that Jesus is lost and takes second place to being the church. For a young person like Timothy it could be a real possibility of Timothy going astray, so Paul gives him a strong but loving warning.

Doctrine and dogma are all important in that they help us to have a grasp on why we believe the way we do. But often in the Christian faith it seems that for every church there are new dogma’s that influence our doctrine. This can be very dangerous even if you are in a major denomination. To believe a lie no matter how sincere we are, it is still a lie. Just to go to a church because it has a new building, famous pastor, great music or programs for children can be very dangerous. Right now in the United Methodist denomination as well as some others there is a movement to accept samesex lifestyles as perfectly fine, even to the point of letting them serve in the clergy. Other controversies can be seen as well. The question arises as to what we are to believe and practice.

I believe that God has given us a basic standard to go by in the Bible. As Christians we are accountable to ourselves to know what the Bible says, and use it as the plumb bob that helps us to keep what we believe straight and true. We need to read and study it using good methods such as Inductive Bible Study. This is where we make our decisions on what we read, rather than trying to make the Bible say what we believe. This may sound funny but many pastors preach and teach this deductive way every Sunday. When the laity follow this style of teaching they end up believe just like the pastor, rather than believing what the Bible says. As believers and lovers of Jesus, we are obligated to be disciplined in our understanding and lifestyle. This only comes by diligent hard work that is endless and non unrelenting. If Paul was writing to you today, what might his letter sound like? Are you disciplined in your study and lifestyle as a Christian, or do you just catch church if you don't have anything else to do? What type of witness and inspiration are you to those you love most and to the church? Can you honestly say you know why you believe the way you do? If not, things can change. When I became a Christian I didn’t know the difference between the old and new testaments. The Lord has brought me a long way, but I had to make up my mind what I wanted out of my new faith and relationship with Jesus. It is not impossible. All you have to do is to want it!

Prayer: Lord, please help us to have a great passion to know your word and will as we come to know and love you. Please help us not to settle for the least when we can have the best. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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