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I Peter 4:6 For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but alive according to God in regard to the spirit.

For me this is a very important verse regarding the doctrine of the justice and righteousness of God. We know that God is righteous and holy, and does not show favoritism as it says in James 2:1. If God would show favoritism then in my thinking everything would be turned upside down regarding how I could trust God. But praise the Lord he doesn’t show favoritism, and he treats everyone the same. The same grace and mercy offered to his apostles and disciples when he walked the earth he will offer us as well. And this is not just for us but for everyone including those that died before his atonement on Calvary’s cross.

Following Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus went to the abode of the dead to tell the about his victory over sin and death. There he gave them a chance to receive his forgiveness and reconciliation through faith in his grace made possible by his atonement on Calvary’s cross.

In Luke 16:19-31 we find out the details about what happened to a person when they died before Jesus’ atonement. It tells of two men. One man was rich, but it seems was not righteous and had no love for the Lord. The other man was a poor beggar. The beggar was not only poor, but was covered with sores. His name was Lazarus and he would beg to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. One day they both died. The beggar was taken by angels to be with Abraham in the abode of the righteous dead. The rich man was taken to the abode of the unrighteous dead where he was in torment. As he looked up and saw Lazarus with Abraham, he begged that Abraham would have pity on him and have Lazarus dip the tip of his finger in water to cool his tongue, because he was in torment. But Abraham told him that neither Lazarus nor the rich man could crossover the chasm. Then the rich man begged Abraham to send Lazarus back to warn his brothers so they would not go to the abode of the unrighteous and be in torment. Abraham told him that they had the prophets, and if they would not listen to them then they would not even listen to someone that rose from the dead. Sad to say the rich man had no hope for himself, and could only hoped that his brothers would listen to the warnings of God’s prophets. So before Jesus sacrificed himself on Calvary’s cross to provide an atonement for the world no one could go to heaven to be with God. Everyone had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The only person that ever lived the sinless life that God intended for humanity was Jesus. Even though he was tempted in every way he resisted temptation to remain holy. And because he was perfectly holy without sin, and infinite in his ability to atone for every sin committed he was able to offer forgiveness to all people and make it possible that everyone could be saved from hell and saved for heaven. Now because of Jesus’ atonement no one needs stay in the abode of the righteous or the unrighteous dead. The perfect righteous justice justified not only calling the unrighteous righteous, but also justified God’s decision to forgive to the very uttermost the most guilty of sinners. Now everyone could be forgiven and go to heaven, both those who had died before the cross and after the cross.

Now you may be wondering what about people that have never heard about Jesus’ atonement? What happens to the when they die? I personally believe that as scripture tells us that God does not show favoritism. If they had never heard or had been told lies about Jesus, then Jesus will explain to them his salvation just as he did those in the abode of the dead. This would certainly include the stillborn, little children, mentally ill and the like. Everyone that will want to go to be with Jesus in heaven will be welcome.

As soon as a Christian dies they go to be with Jesus in heaven. Jesus said in John 14:3 that if he would go to prepare a place for us, he will return to take us to be with him. Even he said to the criminal on the cross besides him that he would be with him that very day in paradise. We also see in Revelation 7:9-17 great multitudes that no one could count from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne of God and in front of the Lamb. The Christian will never see the grave. As it tells us in

I Cor 15:35-58 our resurrection will take place in a twinkling of an eye. We will go from being perishable to imperishable; dishonor to glory; weakness to power; a natural body to a spiritual body. We will all have the likeness of Jesus. That is good news for all Christians, whether we are children or adults, mature or immature.

So where do non-Christians go when they die? I believe they go to the abode of the dead to wait for the Great White Throne Judgment. We see this in Revelation 20:11-15. I believe at this time Jesus, being just, will explain his salvation to those from the abode of the dead just as he did once before. Everyone will have a chance for forgiveness and eternal life. I am glad we have such a wonderful God and Savior in Jesus Christ. None of us are worthy to receive Jesus’ forgiveness and reconciliation, but he wants us so very much to have it. Have you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart? You can, but you must ask for it. God will always respect our free will just as he does Satan and the powers of darkness. The hardness of their heart and their hatred toward will doom them to hell. Don’t be like them and seek the mercy and grace of Jesus while you still can!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for dieing for our sins and wanting us to be with you. You are truly a wonderful God and Savior. We love you Jesus!

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