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Psalms 4:3 Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord will hear when I call to him.

If you are a Christian God sees you as special and set apart for service and blessings. It is no little thing in God’s sight to be a Christian. Saddly to say most Christians see themselves just the opposite. They see themselves as unworthy to be blessed and often to even ask for prayers to be answered. Some of this is due to poor instruction and of course Satan and the powers of darkness are constantly belittling the Christian. You can’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t! Who do you think you are to think God wants to do anything for you? What have you done for God lately? You are nothing compared to Billy Graham. These and many more negative things are constantly echoed in the Christians minds.

Well, according to Jesus you are good enough to go to Calvary’s cross for. His love for you is beyond what you can imagine or even comprehend. He is willing to move mountains in your life, cast demons into the pit when they bother you, or help you with any other need you might have. You are the delight of Jesus’ heart.

Don’t let Satan, the powers of darkness, the evil of this world or even yourself make little of who you are in Christ. See yourself as Jesus does!

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for loving us so much. Please help us to see ourselves and others as you see us. We ask this in your holy name.

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