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Psalms 10:4 In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.

God really doesn’t force anyone to go to hell where they will be in torment for all eternity. As crazy as it sounds people choose to go to hell. No one needs to go there. Jesus offers his free gift of forgiveness and reconciliation to everyone. The thing is God will always respect our free will. In order to go to heaven, we must seek it by asking Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our heart. It is obviously not a difficult thing to do or takes a great deal of knowledge. It is so easy that a child can become a Christian.

In some ways it is like my friend Arlie Neaville says you just become a Lord lover! Both of our children became Christians when they were three years old, and I don’t know of any two people that are more Christian. You see it is not the amount of faith or knowledge we have, but rather who we put that faith in. This is why Jesus said the faith of a mustard seed could move a mountain. It doesn’t take much faith when we ask Jesus to move the mountain. Jesus is God and as we see in John 1:1-3 it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made: without him nothing was made that has been made.” Being God, Jesus is more than capable of enabling a person to escape hell, and enjoy eternity in heaven with him. But we must want it, and ask for.

Sad to say there are those people that do not want to go to heaven! This may sound crazy, but it is true. Just look at any given church on Sunday morning and you will see many places to sit. The church is not trying to exclude anyone. Can you imagine what it would be like for people that hate church spending eternity in heaven where they continually have church? Heaven would be hell for them. This is why the hardness of their heart will not permit them from last minute conversions. They don’t want to experience torment in hell, but for them that it a better alternative than to spend eternity in heaven praising the Lord. This is why Satan and the powers of darkness will spend eternity in hell. They hate Jesus and refuse to even be with him. It is sad, but true just the same.

You may say, “How about children, the mentally ill, people that have never heard or understood about Jesus? Where will they go when they die? I Peter 4:6 tells us that when Jesus rose from the dead, he went to the abode of the dead to tell them about his atonement, so they could choose his salvation if they wanted. Since Jesus wants everyone to come to him and find forgiveness through him, why wouldn’t he explain his salvation to others too. If salvation was all about exclusion, no one would be forgiven. There is no one that deserves to be forgiven, and have eternal life with God in heaven.

If you have not asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart, I encourage you to do it right now. If you have done this then rejoice knowing you are much loved by Jesus, and he will bring you to himself in heaven when you breath your last breath.

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for our sins. We love you so much!

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