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Psalms 14:1a The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

While we can not prove that there is a God 100%, we can certainly look to many things about creation that point to him with a high probability.

Why would everyone feel guilty over sin in their life if there was not someone that was without sin? Even little children feel guilt when they do something that they know they are not supposed to do. We can even see it on their face when we confront them about what they have done. They will hang their head and even cry. It isn’t until we have sinned so much that we begin to harden our heart regarding sin that we act as if there was nothing wrong. But even with this the guilt remains even if it was not acknowledged. The reason I say this is the many people I have helped find salvation in Jesus, as well as myself, confess past sins that we have carried even since childhood. Common sense tells us that we wouldn’t feel guilty for something that was right. There is a holy righteous God!

Creation goes from the complex to the simple. Creation shows complexity. We don’t go and throw a pile of junk in our drive way, and expect to find a nice new state of the art car in place of the junk. We see the complexity of a human body grow old and become less and less perfect until at last it can no longer function. Creation has a plan to it. It is not haphazard in the way it all works. We find this out when we start messing with how God has set things up. An example of this is when they took all the wolves out of Yellowstone Park. The elk began to grow in population and in turn they ate too much of their food source that not only cause them to have disease and starvation, but it affected other plant life, insects and animals as well. Creation has a carefully balanced environment. Scientists tell us that if we were a little further away from the moon that there would be not waves to clean the water and replenish the oxygen in it. If the climate was too cool or too hot the conveyor belts in the oceans would cause the currents to affect life in it as well as even the salt content. If the earth was closer or further away from the earth life could not continue. The the tilt of the axis of the earth is perfect for the different seasons of plant life. It can not be an accident that creation interdependence is so perfect. Everything affects something else.

Even the aspect that down through recorded time there has been evidence of the worship of some god.

All over the world archaeologists have found the remains of civilizations that showed places of worship. This only begs the question, “If there was or is no god why would so many for so long worshiped a god?” The logical answer is from the beginning God made himself known to people, and as a result they have sought to seek him. My last thing to think about is the aspect that as great as our space program is and how we have sent probes into space and used the Hubble Telescope to deep into space we have never seen a blade of grass or a flower. If earth was just an accident then why haven’t we found more accidents? The answer is because earth and all it contains is not an accident! God made it! And while we may not see God, we can see his fingerprints all over it!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, thank you for creating us and taking such good care of us. You are a wonderful God and are so patient with us. Please help us to never take you for granted or believe the lies of a few doubters. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

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