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Psalms 16:9-11 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made know to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Every since that day in 1974 when I gave my heart and life to Jesus, my heart has been glad. I have never regretted once becoming a Christian. Jesus has been more than faithful to me. Whether in the best of times or the struggles, he was always there to help and comfort me. He has proven himself wonderful and faithful day after day. He was their when I called out to him in despair and when I had the great joys.

As much as Jesus has been there for me, the powers of darkness have been there as well. For twenty-five years Jesus was not the focus and purpose of my life let alone the love that filled my heart. During that time God had not given up on me inspite of how the powers of darkness led me down the wrong path, but the powers of darkness are not quitters either. Just because I became a Christian didn’t mean the powers of darkness went to find a new victim. Instead they tried all the harder to get me back to their influence and under their bondage. Forty-three years later and they are as fierce and relentless as ever.

They know that the time is running short for my pilgrimage here on earth, and that Jesus is coming back soon. They don’t have any time to lose in getting me back or any other Christian. Even now when I send them into the pit to never come out again, they scream and tell me that I can’t do it and it is unfair. They tell me that Jesus really isn’t God’s only begotten Son, he doesn’t love me, I will not go to heaven, I can’t trust the Bible and this Christianity is all a lie. But at the name of Jesus they leave. Why do they leave me if Jesus is not who he says he is? The simple reason is Jesus is who he says he is!

Jesus has made himself known to me as well as the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. People can say all they want about the reality of God and the salvation that comes through Jesus alone, but I know what the Lord has done and I trust him that his promises are true. And while I and everyone else are undeserving of his wonderful love and salvation, it is still available for all who are willing thumble themselves and ask for it.

It is no wonder that Jesus is the joy of my salvation and the love of my life. Is he yours? If not all you have to do is simply ask him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart and he will!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank your for your wonderful love and salvation for us. Holy Spirit please help multitudes all over the world to become Christians too. We thank you and ask this in Jesus’ name.

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