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Psalms 37:18 The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, their inheritance will endure forever.

Who among us can be truly blameless? Not only do we sin, but be mess up and cause problems for ourselves and others. It is certainly not intentional for the most part, but like Forest Gump might say, “Like a box of chocolate, it just happens.” We are imperfect people living in a imperfect world. In a way it is funny I would say this, because God created it perfect. It was only when sin entered it through the rebellion of Adam and Eve that things started getting messed up. It was kind of a ripple effect that cascaded all through creation. God’s perfection for his creation became corrupted. And like a batch of bad apples it starts off small and the next thing you know it has spread, and it can be hard if not impossible to get rid of at times.

It is strange but our corruption because of sin has pointed out the reality of God and his holiness. If there was no God and he wasn’t perfectly holy, why would everyone feel guilt when we did sin? We feel it early in life and call it our conscious. In reality it is the Holy Spirit that is reminding us that what we are doing is wrong, and there will be consequences because of it. And yet we continue to sin against God, others and even ourselves.

There is only one way that we can become blameless, and that is by the imparting of one that is blameless in us. This is what Jesus did for every person that has become a Christian. For these people God see’s them as he see’s Jesus. And because of this God’s blessing will be given to us for all eternity.

Eternity in some ways is hard to get a grasp on. As humans we are so accustomed to night and day that time governs our literal being. But if we take away the turning of the earth and have continual sunshine eternity begins to more of something we can grasp.

We see this very thing in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Revelation 21:22-27 talks a little about it. In the city of the Lord there will be no sun or moon. The glory of the Lord will give it light. It will be as one day. We will never grow tired or old. Each person will live in the moment. And since the former things in our past life will not be remembered any more, past and future will be swallowed up in the present. (Isa 65:17)

For all who love and trust in Jesus Christ our great reward will be spending eternity with him. And while some may get a little weary sitting in church on Sunday morning, eternity will be far from that. The blessings of heaven are far greater than what we can imagine or would ever want to give up like Esau.

While we may be stuck in imperfection and still in sin, there will come a time when all that will stop for the Christian. Eternity in heaven with Jesus, God the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit are worth living for even now. With each day we can live in the expectation of a glorious eternal life with God, his holy angels and all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep trusting and love Jesus. This pilgrimage here on earth will not last forever, and then we can go home to be with Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for going to prepare a place for us in heaven. It is exciting to think about spending eternity with you and all that is holy for all eternity. Please keep us to yourself now and forever more. We ask this in you holy name.

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