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Psalms 60:4 But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.

Yesterday I talked about the importance of fearing the Lord and trusting in him. Today I give you good reason why you should trust him. In some ways as we look to this verse we think how is a banner (flag) have more power than a bow. Common sense tells us the the bow and arrow are deadly where a banner is far from it. What we need to remember is that it is not the banner in itself that has power over the bow, but who or what the banner stands for.

When Israel camped in the wilderness there would be banners by the different tribes and families to show people where people were located. So their banners not only showed location but also the people there. In some ways they were the street signs and house numbers that we use today. God also had banners for the Hebrew as well. God gave them a pillar of fire at night, and a cloud by day to lead the Hebrews through the wilderness. God also had the ark of the covenant as a banner to show the Hebrews his presence. Today we have banner of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our life's pilgrimage here on earth as we look to Jesus.

In our life’s pilgrimage there are certainly many things to fear, and as we mentioned yesterday God is at the top of the list. But because we have a banner in the Holy Spirit it is much easier to follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Jesus with ever increasing glory. With each day he adds to the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control that will finally reached perfection when we get to heaven. He sets us free of our carnal nature, so that our passion is to always do God’s will in our life. He also empowers us with special gifts and abilities to serve Jesus, and help his church to be all it can be for him. The Holy Spirit daily leds us into the presence of Jesus where we not only experience him, but have his backing and authority.

Our Banner (Jesus Christ) is God. All power and authority is in him. Nothing (bow) can come against us that he can not overcome. Our fear in this world doesn’t have to control us. We have Jesus as our Lord and Savior. There is nothing that we can not take to him that he will not help us with. Jesus is faithful to help us, because his banner is love. Jesus loves us, and he will come to our rescue. What banner do you follow in your daily journey? Is it one that you look up to, or down at?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we look up to you. You are our banner of love that covers us. Please be with us now and forever as we follow you. We ask this in your holy name.

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