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Psalms 63:3,4 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.

When I first became a Christian my love and appreciation for Jesus was sky high. It was as though the Holy Spirit had filled me with more love love for Jesus than I could hold. I even had a smile on my face that seemed as though it couldn't get wiped off even though some tried. That love for Jesus hasn’t diminished, although it has matured like the love a husband and wife have after fifty years of marriage, several kids and a lifetime of struggles. Jesus is still the love of my life as well as my wife Beckie’s love for him.

When I first went into the ministry I had some Christians tell me that the love of Jesus was being preached too much, and there needed to be more need preached about the Holy Spirit and especially the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Since I too had the baptism of the Holy Spirit I assumed that they were right. After all they had been Christians much longer than I had. So I began to stress in my messages the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that he wanted to give the church so they could be all that Jesus wanted them to be. Granted I never stopped trying to help people become Christian, to grow and mature in Christ and have a personal relationship with Jesus, but there was that voice that I would hear that said, “They don’t need to hear about the love of Jesus, they already know that.” Well, now I know that we all need to be reminded about the love of Jesus for us time and again. Oh, we love Jesus, but it is nothing compared to the love that Jesus has for us.

We don’t have to be ashamed of our love for Jesus and certainly not his love for us. His love for us is better than life, it is eternal life! The nails didn’t hold Jesus on the cross, his love of us did. His great power didn’t motivate him to rise from the tomb to show us he had conquered sin and death for us, it was his love for us. The reason why Satan, the powers of darkness and the evil of this world don’t want us talking or even thinking about the love of Jesus is because it glorifies Jesus as nothing else can. Satan would much sooner have us spend all day at a bake sale or working on a sermon than thinking about Jesus great love for us. Jesus’ love for us us is life changing. It gives us reason to trust in him, reason to face tomorrow and know that no matter what Satan may do, he has already been defeated. The love of Jesus can melt the hardest heart, and send the worst demon fleeing.

Walt Harrah wrote the song, “Think about his love” and Don Moen sang it, and it was a instant hit. It hit a cord in the hearts of millions of Christians everywhere. While in the Christian faith we have many denominations, styles of worship, fellowship, doctrines and dogmas, we all have one thing in common and that is Jesus’ wonderful love for us. Our love for Jesus may very from Christian to Christian, but his love for us never does. It is always for everyone of us wholehearted and passionate for us. And it will never change!

It is ok to think about Jesus’ love you you and his love in general. Even in I Corinthians 13 Paul reminds us out of all the great gifts of the Holy Spirit there is none greater than love. There is nothing greater we can do than to love Jesus and be loved by him. Think about his love often, and love him greatly in return!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us so much! We love you Lord, and are proud to be called after your name. Please help us to never stop loving you, or telling you that we do. We ask this in your holy name. WE LOVE YOU JESUS!

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