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Psalms 65:3 When we were overwhelmed by sins, you atoned for our transgressions.

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Rom 3:23) Not one of us with the exception of Jesus has ever lived a life without sinning. To sin is to do what God said not to do, or to not do what he said to do. It is disobedience! The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. So with that in mind not to do it is the greatest sin. Who on the face of this earth does that all of their waking hours? Say to say none of us. Thus we all have fallen short of God’s glory and continue to do it on an ongoing basis. Even though we want to love the Lord as we should, we still fall short. The good news is because of Jesus’ victory over sin and death, we can not have faith in his grace offered because of his atonement and find forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father, the Holy Spirit and of course Jesus. Now God can show us mercy (not getting the punishment we deserve) and God will still be just in doing it.

God’s grace is more wonderful than what our understanding can comprehend. We know that Jesus’ grace is greater that our sinfulness. Romans 5:20 reminds us that where sin abounds, God’s grace abound all the more. In other words we can not sin more than God is willing to forgive as long as we trust in Jesus for our forgiveness. The thing that is so hard to understand is we don’t do things that way. As people we are willing to forgive as long as the transgression against us stops. People that continue to hurt us we quickly want to stop the forgiveness. We may say we forgive, but show our true feeling by continually bringing up the transgression to them and others. God on the other hand will never bring up our sins no matter how many or bad, once we have asked forgiveness through Jesus. Wow! Pretty amazing! That means that when we die and go to stand before God as Christians we will never see anything but love in God’s eyes, nor will we hear a rebuke of any kind. All of our sins will be as though they never happened. How could we deserve such forgiveness and blessing from God? That’s the hard thing to understand, because we don’t deserve it in any way!

It can only be God’s love that motivated such extreme grace and mercy. What a wonderful God we have as to have such amazingly abundant love for us. His love reaches down to the very lowest of persons and lifts them up to his very throne to be with him for ever and ever.

Have you experienced the love of God through Jesus Christ? Jesus said in John 14:6 that, “No one can come to the Father by by me.” No amount of try to do good things can undo our sinfulness. When we do good, we are only doing what we should have been doing all along in our life. God’s forgiveness is a gift, but it must be received through Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us so much that you were willing to humble yourself so much to knowingly suffer the way you did to atone for our sins. We love you Jesus.

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