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Psalms 65:4 Blessed is the man you choose and bring near to live in your courts!

What are your expectations for heaven? Maybe it is to be with loved ones, or do all the things you like to do now, but only more and better. I know some pastors that have said that if they have to sit around, play a harp and sing all the time, they would sooner go evangelize some other planet in the universe. When I was young I thought it would be great to drive a sprint car on a track as fast and as much as I wanted, and when I was done with that go and catch big largemouth bass.

As I look back on that I have to laugh and almost cry over my selfish desires for my eternal experience in heaven. Now after forty some years of my Christian pilgrimage and some maturity, my perspective of what I look forward to in heaven is certainly different. My perspective has went from inward to outward towards Jesus. I really can’t hardly wait to see him in all his wonderful glory. To feel his loving embrace and see the twinkle in his eyes with love for me, just fills my heart with excited anticipation. I look forward to coming into full perfection; to be raised in power, imperishable, with a spiritual body and to bear the likeness of Jesus. I look forward to singing with the multitudes of angels and the Bride of Christ and listening to the wonderful harmony that echoes across the heavens. I look forward to the great wedding banquet that Jesus will have for us, and the joy and happiness it will bring. But most of all I will enjoy sitting at the feet of Jesus. For some and even some Christians all this may sound a little mushy or boring, but for me it will be a much greater reward than I could ever ask for. It certainly beats driving a race car or catching bass!

When I retired from the ministry I was kind of lost and depressed for a while. I really enjoyed being a pastor for Jesus. I loved to get an anointed message from the Holy Spirit and sharing it with people. I loved telling people of Jesus’ love and sacrifice for them, and seeing them come to a saving relationship with Jesus. I was excited to see brothers and sisters in Christ grow and mature in him, and be baptized with the Holy Spirit in power. It blessed my heart so much to not only see their love for Jesus grow, but for them to become more Christ-like in the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Soon after I retired while in prayer down in my grotto (man cave), Jesus gave me a offer or invitation I couldn’t believe or turn down. It was come sit at his feet. My first reaction was great! I can’t hardly wait to die. But Jesus said softly and with a smile (I sensed it), no I mean right now, right where you are at. I was taken a little by it at first thinking, “You mean I can sit at your feet while I am still in my flesh? Then I sensed his smile and love. Yes! Yes!

Jesus had just given me my inheritance and my heart's desire and I didn’t even have to die. Well, I probably don’t have to tell you that I have enjoyed my new calling. First I was called by the Holy Spirit to become a Christian. Then I was called to serve Jesus. Now my last call to sit at his feet is the best of all! Oh, what unspeakable joy and happiness I have found at Jesus feet. I still look forward to going to heaven and doing all the things that Jesus has prepared for me and all the others that believe, trust and love him, but as for now I have a little heaven right here on earth as I sit at Jesus’ feet.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for our blessed hope in our resurrection and eternal life with you. You are such a wonderful God and Savior to love us so much.

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