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Psalms 76:11-13 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God?

It is a good thing for us to remember the wonderful things the Lord has done for us and others. I like to listen to the New Testament on CD. I am not a good reader. I tend to see things backwards, so often I have to read and then reread. And there are times I even have to give it another try. Listening not only makes it faster and easier, but it seems I can possibly appreciate it even more. I can focus on what I am hearing rather than concentrating on trying to read it. It is not uncommon for me to hear of Jesus doing a miracle or setting someone free of a demon, and I will thank Jesus for doing it. It is in some ways as if he did it for me by doing it for someone else that trusted in Jesus.

The more I hear his miracles and acts of love, the more encouraged I become and the easier it is to want to see him do them again. Jesus is after all the same today as he was when he walked the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and he will be the same for ever as he is today. What a wonderful thought to think of not only Jesus’ great miracle working power, but him setting people free of their bondage whether it is sickness, possession or their sins. And if he did it for one he will do it for all. God is not a respecter of persons from the perspective of favoritism. He delights in blessing those who love and trust in him.

I am not only encouraged from what Jesus did in the Bible, but what he is doing right now. Yesterday when our grandchildren got off the bus our granddaughter Lauren noticed I had some duct tape on both of my thumbs. When she asked about it, I told her that they had been hurting. I had put some medicated strips on them, and then covered them with duct tape to keep them on. Right away without me ever saying a word she asked if she could pray for me. It was a great prayer of trust and intersession to Jesus on my behalf. In case you are wondering Laurens age, she is eight years old and has been a prayer warrior for years. She loves and trusts in Jesus and expects him to help and he does. My thumbs are much better today. Wow! Another reason to praise and thank Jesus!

Remembering Jesus’ great deeds are important for us to hear as well as others. My mother in law has a keen memory. Part of the reason is she likes to tell the old, old stories. Her face lights up as she brings them up. She never gets tired of telling them, because it brings her joy to think of her blessings. My memory is not as good. What I like to do is to look at my old videos and pictures. When I do the memories come right back. It is amazing how it can take me back when moments before much of it didn’t come to mind. I am glad they do, because I don’t want to forget some of those things.

The more I think about them, the more it causes me to praise the Lord for his goodness. What do you do to meditate on, and the things you want to remember? Do you praise the Lord for them? Does it motivate you to expect new and even greater miracles and memories? Sometimes we miss some of the greatest blessings in life by forgetting our greatest blessings that Jesus has brought us.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for all the wonderful blessings that you have brought us. You are such a wonderful God and Savior. Please help us to never forget them, or to praise you once again too. We love you Lord.

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